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Saturday, October 21, 2017

LoveMusic! - Kippalive - We Are Home - כיפה-לייב

We Are Home  - כיפה

Oct. 21, 2017

Greetings LoveMusic! listeners from all over the world.

It wasn't until I sat in a Highway To Zion gathering (Cathy Hargett, Founder, host) on Thursday night, Oct. 19, 2017 that I heard of Kippalive, and this song We Are Home

Cathy, having just returned from taking another group of Christian Zionists from Charlotte, North Carolina for the biblical feast of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) in Israel a few days earlier, was host to a small group of 10. The speaker that night was Glenn Haines of Operation Tarshish from Jerusalem.

Having a desire to see Jews return to their Promised Land, the entire land of Israel, Glenn shared on his work regarding aliyah. The rest of us were in full agreement - to do what we have been called to do in assisting Jews worldwide to go up, immigrate - make aliyah - to Israel. After he had finished his heart gripping message, Cathy played this Kippalive music video on her laptop. 

Because of that, you are thus seeing it shared now in this version of LoveMusic! My heart too burns with love for the Jewish people also - and helping Jews make it back to their homeland.

Listen. Observe. Be a part of this incredible Word of the Lord being fulfilled. 

These Jews are home. And millions more will follow. The Living God of Israel declared that centuries ago. It is truly being fulfilled now.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
Charlotte, North Carolina

LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE sends regular monthly financial support to the Jim Clint family, as they are assisting Jews in making aliyah (immigrating to Israel.) Those in the USA can send funds to them through our website contribution. Please use the DONATE button on this blog's side columns or the tab at the top.

Jim CLINT FAMILY UPDATE - Supporting the Aliyah of the Jewish people - October 2017 Northern Ireland

Supporting the Aliyah of the Jewish people
October 2017
Northern Ireland

Shalom friends.

Firstly I’d like to thank all those who’ve been praying for us over this last month. The LORD has been keeping us busy here in Northern Ireland as we endeavour to support Jewish Aliyah. In mid-September we were blessed to have “D” an Ezra field representative visit us for a series of talks about her ministry. “D” is helping Jews to make Aliyah from countries where they face increasing hatred, please keep “D” in prayer.  

The Aid to Israel program is most certainly gathering pace. We’ve been in contact with many people who want to donate second-hand clothing to help needy Jewish immigrants arriving in Israel. I’ve been traveling to various locations to pick up aid, please pray for traveling mercies. 

(Photo: Jim loading boxes of aid for later shipment.)

This month I represented Ezra UK at the Bangor-Israel convention in the town of Bangor County Down. I had many conversations with Christians from all over Ireland about the need to support Aliyah in these crucial times.

Jim Clint - "My Ezra table at the Bangor-Israel convention" 

I’ve been sharing at different Christian church groups this month. I traveled to the town of Garvagh in County Londonderry to speak at the “Garvagh Gospel Extravaganza” I was encouraged to see how many dear folks are praying for the return of the Jewish people to their ancient homeland of Israel.

Garvagh in County Londonderry gathering

Please continue to pray for us.

Blessings in Yeshua Messiah.
The Jim Clint family

Ezra UK Website -
Ezra UK Facebook -
Email -
Mobile  07561397224

LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE sends regular monthly financial support to the Jim Clint family, as they are assisting Jews in making aliyah (immigrating to Israel.) Those in the USA can send funds to them through our website contribution. Please use the DONATE button on this blog's side columns or the tab at the top.

Love For His People, Inc. Give your online contribution using the DONATE buttons on our website HERE.

Checks from the USA can be sent to:
Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134

YouTube Published on May 10, 2016
Kippalive - We Are Home
Digital Album:
Official Site:
Original song: 500 Miles by Hedy West
Arranged by Natan Gropper (Kippalive)
Lyrics by Kippalive Members
Recorded at Levitan Sound Lab by Ralph Levtian
Video by Rafi & Maggie Sandler
Cinematography: Maggie Sandler
Location: המרפסת של המדינה, פדואל
Left it all to be with you
Distant dreams have now come true
Walked the streets of legends told
We’ve come home

We’ve come home
We’ve come home
And we’ll never stand alone
After 2000 years, we are home

Not a native of this land
Bring me up and take my hand
Sapphire seas and golden sand
A place called home

We’ve come home
We’ve come home
To a land of our own
After 2000 years, we are home

זאת ארצי, מולדתי
על אדמתי צעדתי
עברי עתידי
זה ביתי

We’ve come home
We’ve come home
And we’ll never stand alone
After 2000 years, we are home

We’ve come home
We’ve come home
To a land of our own
After 2000 years, we are home
After 2000 years, we are home
We are home
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA