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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Netanyahu: Israel Stands Shoulder to Shoulder with US; Anti-Semitic Hate Plagues US Campuses; A Great Way to Fight BDS! - United with Israel

Watch How Israelis Harvest Date Palms for Sukkot! CLICK for Latest from Israel
United with IsraelPoll: Most Israelis’ Mood is ‘Very Good’! Should Israel Accept Another Prisoner Swap? Here's a Great Way to Fight BDS; New Music Video Has the People of Jerusalem on their Feet!
Oct. 4, 2017 
Netanyahu Tells US: We Stand Shoulder to Shoulder With You
New Wave of Anti-Israel, Anti-Semitic Hate Plagues US Campuses
WATCH: Should Israel Accept Another Prisoner Swap with Hamas?
FIGHT BDS! Encourage Renowned Chefs to Attend World Culinary Tour in Israel 
WATCH: New Music Video Has the People of Jerusalem on their Feet! 
US: Any Palestinian Government Must Commit to Nonviolence, Recognize Israel 
WATCH: Harvesting Date Palms in Preparation for Sukkot 
New Year Poll: Vast Majority of Israelis’ Mood is ‘Good’ Or ‘Very Good’ 
Sukkot: What is this Joyous Holiday All About? 
WATCH: How to Make Delicious Challah for the Holidays Without Kneading 
The Festival of Sukkot ‘Protects’ Our Spiritual Growth 
USA: 1-888-ZION-613 
Israel: +972-2-533-7841

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA