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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Randy and Barbara Walter: "Are We Willing to Go Through the Open Door?" - THE ELIJAH LIST

Randy and Barbara Walter: "Are We Willing to Go Through the Open Door?"

THE ELIJAH LIST Oct 21, 2017

Steve Shultz     From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I really enjoy when people share from their own personal testimonies... and what God is showing them through everyday circumstances. He often does that a lot with me too! I'll be going along my day and then suddenly...a God encounter happens with Him or with others He wants me to minister to.
As this new year is known as the open door...Randy and Barbara Walter pose an important question to us: "Are We Willing to Go Through the Open Door?"
Quite often, that requires a leap of faith and trusting God in our new journey He's calling us to.
As you read through the Walter's article, I pray that you will gain some very helpful insight and some keys to help you walk through the open door set before us! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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Don't Let Fear Keep You From Your Destiny
We have been blessed by the wonderful teachings and prophetic words Elijah List has posted about 5778 being the year of the "open door" and this being a new season. We must pass through a door to enter the new season. The Lord told us this will require more.
"Can a new season begin without a new day? And can progress occur without leaving something behind? You cannot fully enter your new season without giving up your right to the old season. As long as you are still tied to the old season, it is possible to enter your new season but not be engaged in it.
"When the Hebrew children left Egypt, they entered a new season. They whined and complained because they were still attached to the old season rather than engaged in the new one. If they had engaged in the new season, they never would have reverted to the idol worship of Egypt. Even after crossing over into the Promised Land, they still needed to fully engage in their new season.
"Thank Me for loving you, not because you don't deserve it but because I AM generous. Thank Me for providing, not because you are poor but because I AM a Father. This way, the orphan spirit cannot sneak in and corrupt your heart."
"While they were in Egypt, I told them about the promise of a land abounding with riches. Did I tell them about the giants, the battles and the tests? If I had, they never would have left the house of bondage, nor would they have seen My mighty hand of deliverance. Neither would they have received My Law nor become My people. Fear would have caused them to lose all of this, so I gave them the promise, fed their faith, and restrained Myself when they strayed. Their struggle was to allow faith to arise and overcome their circumstances so they could receive My promise.
"As a man's journey with Me continues, I feed his faith rather than answer questions about his circumstances, so fear will not keep him from his destiny."
Broken Doors and Other Doors
So, in light of the year of the open door, it was very unusual when doors on both our truck and van broke within a couple weeks. We can't recall doors ever breaking on any of our vehicles before, and we searched for the meaning.
Vehicles generally are a symbol for ministry. Both of these doors were on the driver's side. The truck is for work and we don't use it that often. The door hinge was broken and cost $150 to weld. We use the van daily to carry groceries, grandkids and guests, and for ministry trips. The track for one of the automatic doors broke so it would not close. Randy did a temporary repair but our mechanic recommended replacing the worn out part. Could it be time for a newer vehicle?
At first, we were concerned about the repair costs and wondered how we could afford another van. But God put us at peace when He reminded us that He is our Provider for the repairs and for another van when the time comes. We recalled Him telling us, "Get what you need and trust Me for it." (Photo via Elijah Shopper, "The Open Door Fleece Blanket "by Robert Bartow)
One night, Barbara dreamed of the interior of a vehicle with a baby bottle on the console. The color was gray like our van, but it was all new. When we asked the Lord for the interpretation, He said: "Everything in the dream was about new ministry. You're not stuck in a mold. The new vehicle has lots of life in it. The baby bottle signifies that you will have a lot to learn in this new season. The caption of this dream is, 'Get Ready to Keep Up.'"
The closet doors in one of our guest rooms were old bi-fold mirrors whose handles fell off years ago. If anyone was able to open them, they came off their tracks. The closet was used for storage and filled to capacity. Looking to replace these doors, we found some old-hinged doors in our shed, and we cleaned and painted them and placed $6 mirrors on them. Now, the doors are easy to open. We reorganized the closet and made room for two folding beds, leaving enough space for guests to hang their clothes.
We didn't need more room, we needed different doors. It reminded us of when the Lord asked, "How can you get what you already have?"We already had better doors.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
Our son had to tear off his front porch roof because it leaked, which rotted the adjoining walls. It all had to be replaced. So he bought a beautiful new door and is in the process of relocating the entrance. This illustrates the transition prayer the Lord gave us: "Remove what is dead and prune what remains to bring forth more fruit."
In the foyer of our house are four doors: one for entry, one to a laundry room, one to a guest apartment, and one to other guest quarters. Straight ahead is a flight of stairs leading up to the main living area. It can be disorienting for first-time visitors. The Lord often reminds us that He will correct us if we go the wrong way. He is a good Father and will lead and guide us. He is not trying to make it hard or confusing.
Since this is the year of the open door, we must ask ourselves which door the Lord is directing us to go through. He is not going to stick us in a closet, but perhaps we need to clean out the closet. A closet may be where you have unforgiveness, guilt, shame or orphan thinking.
Wallowing or Repenting?
Recently, we were bemoaning past mistakes we have made in our lifetime. We had asked forgiveness before, but felt remorse again. The Lord said:
"As a man's journey with Me continues, I feed his faith rather than answer questions about his circumstances, so fear will not keep him from his destiny."
"You're not going to get very far until you stop massaging your guilt over the past. That doesn't impress Me; it does you, because you confuse it with repentance.
"'Woe is me' is not the same as 'Forgive me and help me move on.' Whenever you wallow like that, you are trying to justify yourself.
"If you really want to please Me, don't wave your past mistakes like a flag of surrender. Just learn from them and don't repeat them, and I'll be happy."
Then we were thanking Him for not abandoning us, and He said:
"You're thanking Me for not doing something which isn't in My character in the first place. Do you hear the orphan echo? So instead, thank Me for My attributes.
"Thank Me for loving you, not because you don't deserve it but because I AM generous. Thank Me for providing, not because you are poor but because I AM a Father. This way, the orphan spirit cannot sneak in and corrupt your heart."
Are You Willing to Go Through the Open Door?
When we go through a door, we enter another realm. Our office has a different function from our living room. The office is for work; the living room is where we fellowship and pray. Many times we don't want to go through the open doors because they are scary. Even if we can see past them, we don't know what to expect when we go through them. We say things like, "We've never gone that way before. Suppose we are inadequate? What if we fail?" (Photo via Unsplash)
The Lord said to us, "An open door symbolizes trusting Me. Fear of the future and inability to control things can prevent you from doing that. Even though the door is not closed, you really don't know what is on the other side. So going through is an act of faith."
Paul was aware of the scary things that lay ahead through his new door, as he said in 1 Corinthians 16:9"For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries."
We can dance, shout and celebrate that is the year of the open door...but are willing to go through it? (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Randy and Barbara Walter
Shiloh Ministries | Salisbury Revival Prayer Network

Randy and Barbara Walter conduct Shiloh Ministries on Maryland's Eastern Shore, emphasizing intercession and the prophetic, and facilitating seminars and workshops. They have interceded on-site and led prayer journeys at hundreds of locations through their Chesapeake Revival Prayer Network. The Lord has assigned them to pray for awakening, outpouring and cultural transformation. For 25 years, Randy edited a regional Christian newspaper called The Manna. Randy and Barbara have ministered together throughout their 34 years of marriage, and have just published their seventh book, Name Your Gates & Take Back Your Cities.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA