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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Syrian Rocket Strikes Israel; Landmark Israeli Cancer Treatment Approved in US; ‘When Terror Strikes, Bloody Footprints Lead to Iran' - United with Israel

Oh Baby! Israel’s Birth Rate Reflects Energy and Optimism! CLICK for Latest from Israel
United with IsraelHow Dictators Hijacked UNESCO to Persecute Israel; Czech President a ‘Deep Friend of Israel,’ Demands Hamas & Hezbollah Disarm; ‘Not Acceptable for Zionists to Violate Syria at Will'
Oct. 19, 2017
Syrian Rocket Strikes Israel’s Golan Heights, IDF Responds 
‘Landmark’ Israeli Cancer Treatment Approved in US
WATCH: How Dictators Hijacked UNESCO to Persecute Israel
Israeli Ambassador to UN: ‘When Terror Strikes, Bloody Footprints Lead to Iran' 
Iranian General: ‘Not Acceptable for Zionist Regime to Violate Syria Any Time it Wants’ 
WATCH: Czech President a ‘Deep Friend of Israel,’ Demands Hamas and Hezbollah Disarm 
Oh Baby! Israel’s Birth Rate Reflects Energy and Optimism 
Israel Philharmonic Kicks Off North American Tour at Carnegie Hall 
USA: 1-888-ZION-613 
Israel: +972-2-533-7841


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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA