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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Acceleration is Falling in Unexpected Places and Upon the Rivers of Rest by Lana Vawser Identity Network

Acceleration is Falling in Unexpected Places and Upon the Rivers of Rest by Lana Vawser

Identity Network  Nov. 15, 2017

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Acceleration is falling in unexpected places. The Lord is changing things suddenly. The Lord is rearranging and there are divine interruptions happening in the lives of God's people at such a pace, unlike anything I have ever seen. The suddenlies of God are truly upon us.
The enemy knows these suddenlies are upon us and they are being birthed right now and he is attempting to bring confusion upon the promise, but he will not succeed for the Lord has decreed that acceleration is falling in unexpected places.
A sudden unveiling has been happening as the Lord unveils next steps and what He has been planning and the increase that is upon God's people. God truly is releasing the double portion right now. God's people have walked through so much trouble and trial, but the Lord is now releasing double blessing. He is increasing expectancy in His people as they draw close to Him for what He is doing. Discouragement and confusion is attempting to steal the promise, but I decree over you tonight in Jesus name, that as you continue to hold His hand, trust and obey, your promise will not be aborted. The enemy is fighting significant promises right now and one way is through confusion and discouragement, but another way I saw him attempting to abort the promise is by whispering to God's people "That's not really God. That's your heart's desire" leaving many discouraged and despondent.
I heard the Lord say "DOUBLE BLESSING! DOUBLE BLESSING! DOUBLE BLESSING!"  You are going to move not only into hearts desires and promises fulfilled but there will be double blessing and there will be double confirmation. The Lord is confirming and will keep confirming His way, His plan, and this is a time where double portions of joy will be restored to you.
"When hope's dream seems to drag on and on, the delay can be depressing, but when at last your dream comes true, life's sweetness will satisfy your soul" Proverbs 13:12  (The Passion Translation)
Many of you have felt that dream drag on and on and the delay has been depressing, but God is taking your depression and sadness and He will satisfy your soul with the sweetness of the dream come true. The sweetness of the suddenly!!!!
Don't be afraid to throw yourself "all in" to the "unexpected places" that God is leading you into. Don't be afraid to trust Him. He is leading you into a place of greater sweetness and joy in the double portion. Many are surprised that the Lord is now saying, "Step in" to a dream they have been waiting for, for a long time, and I saw a waterfall of the revelation of His goodness being released upon them.
But the wonderful thing is, not only are you going to step into a dream fulfilled, but you are going to carry more, double!!!!
Winds of Acceleration Falling Upon the Rivers of Rest
The winds of acceleration are falling upon the rivers of rest. The Lord is bringing a deeper rest to many believers right now, as many are weary, discouraged and feeling empty. The Lord is shifting and moving things and He is making more room for His people to come into rest; heart rest, emotional and mental rest and physical rest. The Lord is "making room" and in that place of rest, the Lord is adding increase. Out of the place of rest, from the 'lying down in the rivers of rest', there will be greater fruitfulness, favor, increase and positioning. Don't fight the plan of God and the moving and shifting of God bringing rest. Don't fight the plan of God if He moves you from more "doing" to "being". The enemy is working hard in this season of acceleration to burn many out in busyness, anxiety, fear and discouragement, but the Lord is bringing rest. Friends, lean in. Rest your head upon His chest and continue to listen to His heart and you will hear His whisper that, "All is well" and you are not being delayed, you are actually moving into more than you ever imagined possible. (1 Corinthians 2:9)
May I Have this Dance?
I heard the Lord speaking over many "May I have this dance?" and it was an invitation into a level of intimacy, a deeper rhythm of His heart, a new song that they had never experienced before. The joy that bubbled up in the hearts of those who accepted His invitation was like the joy of the first moment they met Him, the moment of salvation. I saw Him recapturing hearts. Hearts that are weary, have lost passion, have lost hunger, where intimacy has been hindered, where the foxes of fear have come in and wrecked havoc upon the vineyard of intimacy with Him, there's a whole new world of intimacy with Him now opening up. A new invitation to know Him, move with Him, and encounter His heart, unlike anything they had ever seen. The fire of the first love was burning brighter than ever.
I saw specifically where disappointment had created a wall between them and Jesus, He was melting those walls away, and He was placing in their hearts as they danced a scroll of destiny. Upon this scroll were His words of truth and destiny. Where there had been great pain of disappointment, He was now releasing greater revelation of destiny and reconnection was taking place.
The Lord is extending His hand...
He is whispering, "May I have this dance?"
I encourage you to accept His invitation, and a whole new world of intimacy, a new song, a new dance, a new rhythm is about to open up before you. You will burn with love for Him stronger and deeper than you have ever experienced and the fire of His love that burns in His eyes for you will baptize you afresh.
Lana Vawser

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA