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Monday, November 13, 2017

Iran Builds Base 30 Miles from Israel's Border; Powerful Earthquake Hits Mideast, Felt in Israel; 35,000 Jews Flock to Hebron - World Israel News

F Downs Enemy Drone; Trump Drafts Peace Plan; CLICK for Latest Israel News!
World Israel News
Iran Establishes Military Base in Syria, 30 Miles from Israeli BorderRead Now

35,000 Jews Flock to Hebron, Setting ‘All-time Record’Read Now

WATCH: Take a Cable Car Ride to the Western Wall!Watch Now

Powerful Earthquake Jolts Middle East, Tremors Felt in IsraelRead Now

IDF Shoots Down Enemy Drone Near Syrian BorderRead Now

WATCH: Israeli Politician Says Diaspora Jews Should Vote in Israeli ElectionsWatch Now

Trump Team Drafts Plan for Israeli-Palestinian PeaceRead Now

After Blasting Tunnel, Israel Warns Terrorists 'You're Playing with Fire’Read Now

WATCH: Terrorists Release Frightening Video of Israelis in Line of FireWatch Now

Tens of Thousands of Palestinians Salute Arafat on Anniversary of His DeathRead Now

WATCH: ‘Death to America, Israel!’ Chants Iran on Anniversary of US Embassy TakeoverWatch Now

Prince Charles Blamed ‘influx of Foreign Jews’ for Mideast TroublesRead Now

WATCH: Terror Attack Thwarted in French Town Devastated by 2016 Truck-rammingWatch Now

Berlin Police Investigating Theft of Holocaust MemorialsRead Now

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA