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Sunday, November 12, 2017

Israeli Army Warns Hamas and Allies Against Retaliation - israel today

Nov. 12, 2017

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To read all of today's news items in full, click here!
Israeli Army Warns Hamas and Allies Against Retaliation
Israeli Army Warns Hamas and Allies Against Retaliation
Israeli blew up major terror tunnel inside Israeli territory, killing 15 terrorists and eliciting vows of revenge
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Israeli-Operated Patriot Missile Downs Syrian Drone
Israeli-Operated Patriot Missile Downs Syrian Drone
Drone was downed while still over Syrian territory but was on approach to enter Israeli airspace
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VIDEO: Aerial View of Lower Haifa
VIDEO: Aerial View of Lower Haifa
Get a drones-eye view of the lower part of Haifa, Israel's bustling northern port city where Jews and Arabs live together
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The Dead-Jew Industry
The Dead-Jew Industry
Murdering Israeli Jews has become a lucrative career for Palestinian Arabs, and little is being done to stop it
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Exclusively for subscribers to Israel Today Magazine:
The Dead Jew Industry
Beyond Criticism of Israel
Mocking the Land of Make-Believe
“There is No Difference Between Obama and Trump”
Ice Cream Makes the Ice Melt
Israel's Helping Hand
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA