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Thursday, November 9, 2017

Love For His People Update Nov. 9, 2017 - Jerusalem Connections, Steve Martin

Nov. 9, 2017

Greetings from Charlotte, North Carolina.

My last two Now Think On This messages were written of my experiences in Jerusalem, my favorite city in the world. It is amazing to see what the Living God of Israel is doing in the Land, and specifically in Jerusalem.

Love For His People, Inc. has been connecting with the good people of Israel since its formation in 2010, and today joins with ministries and friends in the North Carolina area to stand strong for Y'isra-el. Please read one of my last messages in the section below, and watch my latest Arms of Love video, speaking too of our strong love for the people and our Lord's purposes for Israel.

"Even as the Lord is bringing back His Jewish chosen ones in this hour, He also is connecting Christians (Gentiles, non-Jews) and Jews for His end-time purposes. From within nations, and around the world, the Lord, Adonai, is touching the hearts of men and women to come together, for several primary purposes - to bless and assist those who are returning to the Land; to stand in prayer, watching on the walls, for their safekeeping once established in Israel; and to proclaim among the nations, “We bless Israel and stand with His eternal plans of redemption.”

As we enter this season of Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and Christmas, please consider a gift in your planned year-end giving to Love For His People, Inc. a 501(c)3 ministry. We are not a large organization like the big boys - having no paid staff, office building or vast marketing funds - but we do have a big heart and we do give direct support to families in Jerusalem, Pakistan, Nigeria and Northern Ireland on a monthly basis with your gifts. We also continue to send needed teaching books, educational items and precious gifts from the Holy Land to international pastors and those who also bless Israel in these nations.

Please use the DONATE button below, or on our website, Love For His People to contribute today.

'Tis a good day to bless the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach. Be blessed in your blessing others this season.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
Steve Martin
Now Think On This logo
"Jerusalem" by Steve Martin
Jerusalem, my favorite city in the world. And I am not even a Jew. Imagine that.

I find it fascinating when American Jews ask me why I go to Jerusalem so much. I have made 15 trips from the USA since 1987 to the land of Israel. In these later years, I have tried to make it an annual event, as we are committed to doing this. Supporting Israel is especially the main objective for us, to keep a firm stand with them, through the work of Love For His People.

Why does a Gentile, goyim (Hebrew), former Roman Catholic, Evangelical, Pentecostal, Charismatic Christian, white Caucasian, Southern 63-year-old male from Cedar Falls, Iowa, born in Minnesota (any more descriptions I need to include?) want to go to Jerusalem so much?

Because those who live there are continually in the Lord’s heart (Jesus, Yeshua), and thus being a disciple and believer in Him, Jerusalem, and His People are also in my heart.

It was in Jerusalem where He came to earth, having been sent there from His Father and Holy Spirit; where He lived, was crucified, buried and rose from the dead. And from Jerusalem He then instructed His apostles, messengers, to take His Gospel, the Good News, to the ends of the earth, before He returns for the second time.

And thus this capitol, eternal city of Israel since the days of King David, is very important to the King of all kings, Who is my King too.

V’ahavta  וְאָהַבְתָּ   ‘…And you shall love…’ 
Hadassah from Jerusalem

Perspective - V'ahavta (...and you shall love...") - Hadassah from Jerusalem

When we first moved back to Israel, we had a small two-bedroom apartment. It was exactly what we wanted and needed at the time. There was a fig tree in our ‘yard’. We say ‘yard’ because it was really only the size of a small bedroom. There used to be an apple tree, but for some reason the landlord saw fit to remove it. That left a massive fig tree surrounded by dirt. Not a very useful area as in the winter it turned into mud and the summer it was full of bugs. So we decided to pave the area to make it more useful.

Having a fruit tree in ones’ yard is a mixed blessing. There is the romantic notion of trotting into the garden, bowl in hand, to pick the morning fare. (We are not especially fond of figs though). The reality is, there is dropped fruit everywhere including on the clean laundry. Dropped fruit means ants and bees and bugs and a funny smell if not cleaned up right away. This tree also had a branch that seemed to always swipe me in the head as I walked by! 

We did not fully understand the ‘gift’ that had been given us. In looking in the Torah, we know that the fig is one of the 7 species of Israel. (Deuteronomy 8:8) There is also a wonderful promise that upon returning to the Land, we will ‘live in houses we did not build and eat from trees we did not plants’. That each of us will invite our neighbor to sit with us under our fig tree-- a picture of dwelling in peace. (Zechariah 3:10). 

Continue to the full message from Hadassah: Perspective

Arms of Love
Video Message by Steve Martin
Arms of Love - name only

Avraham Saiden, the 60+ year old Jewish man from Iraq, was in his Ben Yehuda Street Judaica shop in Jerusalem, and needing help making a mobile phone connection to the USA. I just happened to be in his beautiful gift shop at that time.

What a great joy I experienced as a result of giving a helping hand, or in this case, making a good connection!

Watch my full video recording here:Jerusalem and Friends
Pastor Abel Oyewale, Abba Father Fellowship International
Nigeria, West Africa
God Loved Israel - Part 1 of 2 - Pastor Abel Oyewale, Abba Father Fellowship International Nigeria, West Africa


"I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you.” (Genesis 12:2)

The covenant with Abraham is of two levels. In some instances, God had resolved on what to do irrespective of Abram shortcomings. In other instances, He expected full obedience as a condition for Him to operate.

I pray that God will grant us power that we may never fail ourselves and fail God, in Jesus’ Name.

"So Abram departed as the Lord had instructed him, and lot went with him. Abraham was 75 years old when left Haran." (Genesis 12:4)

After the flood in Genesis 11, God wanted a new nation out of the entire world, so He graciously chose Abraham and lavished His irrevocable covenant on him. God graciously chose and decided to enter into covenant with Abraham, but God expected implicit obedience from him. After Abraham had had some tough experiences He introduced some signs, added some cultural approaches, including the inevitable exiles.

God came to enlarge His covenant. He introduced an obligation for him, which was circumcision. The Lord must be obeyed. He changed the names of the couple. He expected faith and obedience. Has He changed, as He speaks to us to obey Him?

To read Pastor Abel's complete teaching. Click here: God Loved Israel - Part 1 of 2
Our Featured Product For You or To Share as a Gift

Our world needs saving. The nations are in much turmoil, rage, anger, and lawlessness. Just keep watching the news and it is obvious that times are changing, and it is not changing for the good.

It is happening just as the prophets spoke; just as Jesus (Yeshua) Himself said in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 as to how it would come about. The signs are all around us, forth-telling those exact events which would take place before the Lamb of God returns as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ, is the Messiah of Jews and Gentiles, for all who call upon His name for salvation.

All indications are that He is coming back soon. While time is yet with us, and there is light among the growing darkness, we must work with His Holy Spirit to spread the Good News. This is the news of His salvation, which is available to any and all who come to Him, for freedom from sin, death, destruction and all evil.

This salvation is found only in His saving Blood and through His sacrifice on the cross. He is so willing and loving to give His saving grace to all who call upon His Name. He alone is our salvation. His Name is SALVATION. Steve Martin, Author

Published in October 2017. Buy now in paperback or Kindle.

Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134 USA

Love For His People

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA