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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Lysa TerKeurst (President of Proverbs 31 Ministries) Praises God For Being Cancer Free After Surgery -


Lysa TerKeurst Praises God For Being CancerFree After Surgery
President of Proverbs 31 Ministries Lysa TerKeurst is thanking God for his goodness after receiving the news that she is cancer-free...
Phil Robertson On The Number One Reason Americans Fail To Love Each Other 
Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson has sought to explain the number one reason he believes Americans are so terrible at loving their neigh...
Watch Taya Smith's Incredible Testimony "I Don't Know How People Do Life Without Jesus" 
Worship leader Taya Smith has become one of the most recognizable figures in the multi-platinum selling 'Hillsong United' group. She has c...
Press Sec. Asks Reporters To Say What They Are Thankful For Before Each Question 
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders has been getting into the Thanksgiving spirit by listing off some things she is thankf...
Netflix Announces Launch Of Drama All About Jesus Christ 
Video streaming giant Netflix has announced that is has placed a new TV show on order, and it is pretty exciting for the faith-based com...
Sadie Robertson Recalls A Powerful 'God Encounter' With Homeless Man 
Have you ever experienced God putting someone in your path and calling you to reach them with the hope of Jesus? That is exactly wha...
Pastor Shoots Home Invader At Family Home, Kids Sleep Through Whole Thing 
When Georgia pastor Keith Beck heard a commotion downstairs, he grabbed his gun and headed down to see what was going on. A man...
Gloria Allred, Please Turn The Yearbook Over For Forensic Examination 
From day one, I have made my views clear on Judge Roy Moore. I hope that he is innocent of the charges brought against him and wou...
Superintendent Apologizes After Principal Forbids Students From Praying Together 
A school district superintendent has been forced to apologize after an incident involving a principal halting a group of students from praying...
Louis Farrakhan Calls On President Trump To Repent 
The leader of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan has called on the President to repent, and warned those who have criticised Tr...
Archbishop Heads To Russia For Meetings With 'Senior Political Figures' 
The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby is heading to Russia for a number of important meetings with 'senior political figures.' He is in...
Father Of Two Becomes First Transgender Minister In Methodist Church 
A Father of two has become the UK's first transgender minister in the Methodist Church, after 'hiding his identity for 40 years.'&...
Pope Hosts Poor And Homeless WIth Gourmet Meal At Vatican 
Pope Francis has sought to champion the cause of the oppressed and marginalized by hosting a gourmet meal at the Vatican for those w...
'Nones' Are Now The Largest Religious Group In The United States 
You may have begun to hear a lot about 'nones.' Well, you are going to start hearing a lot more. Those without any religious affiliation...
Charles Manson Victim's Sister: "I Said A Prayer For His Soul" 
The notorious serial killer and cult leader Charles Manson has died at the age of 83, after spending four decades behind bars. One of his vic...
Wikipedia Deletes Page For Scientist Who Believes God Created Universe 
A scientist who is known for his belief that God created the universe has had his Wikipedia page deleted, amidst a storm of controversy.&...
Should Grown Men Be Playing Video Games? 
Should Christian men be playing video games? That is the question that many are asking in our era of digital entertainment and powerful g...
Why Do We Pray In Jesus Name? Rick Warren Gives A Brilliant Answer 
Have you ever wondered why we as Christians pray in the name of Jesus? As with anything habitual, it is easy to continue to do it with...
Former Hindu Priest Describes The Incredible Journey That Led Him To Christ (Interview) 
Rahil Patel's journey of faith is nothing short of remarkable. Raised in a devout Hindu home, Patel went on to become a distinguished Hind...
Christian Activist Declares On National TV: "We Are Made In The Image Of God, Male And Female" 
A Christian activist and the CEO of campaign group 'Christian Concern' has made an appearance on the BBC to declare that God has m...
How I Worked Through Feeling Disconnected From God 
Have you ever been confused about life and unable to get clarity? Maybe you’ve forgotten your purpose, and need a remind...

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA