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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Tonight’s Spectacular Meteor Shower and Asteroid “Appear Immediately Before Messiah” - Breaking Israel News

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Dec. 13, 2017Biblical ProphecyJerusalemEnd of DaysIDFBible CodesTemple Mount

Spectacular Geminid Meteor Shower Signals Messiah’s Approach: Mystic Rabbi


Israel’s Tourism Ministry Wooing Christian Evangelicals for 2018 Banner Year

“Pray for the wellbeing of Yerushalayim. May those who love you be at peace.” (Psalms 122:6)

Happy Hanukkah! Take 20% Off All Menorahs!

The festival of Hanukkah recounts the great miracles that God has performed for His people in His land long ago. Since the brave Maccabees defeated the wicked Greeks, many enemies have risen up against the Jewish people. Over the  last 70 years since the rebirth of the modern State of Israel, God has performed even greater miracles for His people in His land. Celebrate Hanukkah by lighting a menorah and filling the world with light and the recognition of God's wonders.
Shop Now! »

Tillerson: Jerusalem Embassy Move
‘at Least’ Three Years Away

“You shall be a glorious crown In the hand of Hashem, And a royal diadem In the palm of your God.” (Isaiah 62:3)

WATCH: India’s ‘Lost’ Jewish Tribe Lights Candles on First Night of Hanukkah

“How I walked with the crowd, moved with them, the festive throng, to the House of Hashem with joyous shouts of praise.” (Psalms 42:5)

After IDF Retaliates to Gaza Rocket Fire, Hamas Vows More Attacks in ‘Coming Days’ 

“Surely no harm can be done Without My consent: Whoever would harm you Shall fall because of you.” (Isaiah 54:15)
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PM Netanyahu Lights Menorah on Hanukkah

At a special menorah-lighting ceremony with Israeli diplomats, PM Netanyahu gives credit to the US for its leadership worldwide and in the Middle East.


The Hebrew month of Cheshvan (חשון) is a time where Jews in Israel pray for rain. Not only do we pray for rain, we pray for ‘rains of blessing’ in Hebrew called gishmei bracha (גשמי ברכה)...

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA