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Monday, January 1, 2018

Israeli TV Speaks to Iranian Protesters Who Say Regime Will Fall - Israel Today

Israeli TV Speaks to Iranian Protesters Who Say Regime Will Fall

Monday, January 01, 2018 |  Israel Today Staff
The Iranian regime is doing its best to both suppress at home and disregard on the international stage the widespread protests rocking the Islamic Republic.
On Monday, Iranians across the country took to the streets for the fifth straight day, demanding and end to the theocratic rule of the ayatollahs.
Israel's Channel 10 News spoke to one protester who told the Jewish state that the protests in Iran will continue and will grow until the country's religious overlords are brought down.
Given the pseudonym "Muhsan" for his own protection, he told the Israeli audience that the impact of the regime's corruption on daily life had simply become unbearable, and that Iranians were no longer willing to tolerate it.
"They know there’s a reason for the rising cost of living. Iran is a very wealthy nation. If they [the leadership] claim that sanctions today affect the economy, that’s a lie. Everything stems from the theft of the public’s funds. That’s the real reason for poverty in Iran."
Muhsan also took a jab at those in the international community who point to Iran's soft-spoken President Hassan Rouhani as evidence that the country is moderating. 
"He's like a puppet; he's just a symbol so that they can say there's democracy in Iran."
The Iranian regime has tried to claim that the unrest is the result of American and Israeli subversion, but Muhsan indicated that most Iranians aren't buying it. He ended the interview by wishing well to all the Israeli viewers.
The fall of the Iranian regime would be enormous for a great many (mostly obvious) reasons.
For Israel, one of those reasons would be that Iran and the Jewish state were close allies prior to the Islamic Revolution, and could be so again.
PHOTO: Channel 10 screenshot of the interview with Iranian protester "Muhsan," his face blurred for security reasons.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA