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Monday, January 1, 2018

The 10 Most Insane UN Anti-Israel Actions of 2017; Rare Temple-Era Discovery Proves Biblical Truths! - United with Israel

United with IsraelHamas Forces Children to Attack ‘Trump, You Idiot’; New Israeli Cancer Therapy 30 Times Better than Before; Spanish Courts Stand Up for Israel! Guitar Legend Coming to Holy Land 
The 10 Most Insane UN Anti-Israel Actions of 2017
Rare First Temple-Era Discovery Brings Biblical Narrative Alive!
WATCH: PM Netanyahu Takes Time Out to Toast the New Year (Funny!)
Good News Digest: Israeli Scientist Develops Cancer Treatment 30 Times More Effective; Plus Much More! 
WATCH: Israeli Scholar Tells Al Jazeera, ‘We Are Nobody’s Dhimmis!’ 
Spanish Courts Suspend Anti-Israel Boycotts in 3 Cities 
WATCH: Hamas Uses Children to Attack President: ‘Trump, You Idiot’ 
Guitar Legend Steve Vai to Create ‘Gravity Storm’ in Israel 
WATCH: Rabbinical Student Explains Judaism to Muslims 
How Islamic Jihad Used a School Play to Train Children to Kill Israelis 
USA: 1-888-ZION-613 
Israel: +972-2-533-7841

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA