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Thursday, February 1, 2018

Fake News in the Service of Self-Hating Jews - israel today

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To read all of today's news items in full, click here!
 Fake News in the Service of Self-Hating Jews
Fake News in the Service of Self-Hating Jews
Headlines in Israeli papers suggest a racist manhunt to expel African migrants, but is that really the full truth?
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 David's Citadel Puzzle Now At 25% Off
David's Citadel Puzzle Now At 25% Off
Our Israeli puzzles will keep you mentally fit while you pay Jerusalem a virtual visit!
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 Israel Mourns the Loss of its 'War Poet'
Israel Mourns the Loss of its 'War Poet'
Haim Gouri gave voice to the pride and pain of those who fought in Israel's wars, and helped revive Jewish nationalism
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 Hamas Founder Dies After Accidentally Shooting Himself
Hamas Founder Dies After Accidentally Shooting Himself
Imad al-Alami was important not only as a co-founder of Hamas, but also for his close ties to the Iranian regime
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Exclusively for subscribers to Israel Today Magazine:
Israeli Author's Love for Jesus
Iranians Love Israel
Cost of Trump's Jerusalem Declaration0
Unity in Messiah - How?
Does Jesus Know When He's Coming Back?
Jesus' Tomb Again Found Empty
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA