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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Polish President Duda Announces Intention To Sign Controversial Holocaust Bill - Breaking Israel News

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Polish President Duda Announces Intention To Sign Controversial Holocaust Bill

Mother Of Ariel Terrorist Condemns Murder, Calls Upon Son to Turn Himself In

2018 Is Just Beginning!

There is still plenty of time to use our beautiful and inspiring 2018 'Then & Now Prophecy Fulfilled' calendar. Keep your eye on Israel every day of the year and be continuously inspired by moving Bible verses connected to the fulfillment of God's word.
Shop Calendars - $5 Each! »

WATCH: Holocaust Survivor Shares His ‘Courage and Grace’

ICYMI: Bible-based Investment in Israel is ‘Tremendous Fit’ For Evangelical Christians

Time for Greenblatt to Walk Away

By Caroline Glick
Given the fact that the day before Fatah members attacked US diplomats in Bethlehem, and four days earlier they burned Trump and Pence in effigy, it would have been reasonable for Greenblatt to publicly excoriate Hamdallah and the PA for their actions.
By Daniel Greenfield
By Sarah N. Stern
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA