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Monday, March 12, 2018

I Heard Him Say, Can You Smell the Smell of Fresh Bread? by Lana Vawser Identity Network

I Heard Him Say, Can You Smell the Smell of Fresh Bread? by Lana Vawser

Identity Network
Recently as I sat with the Lord, I heard the Lord ask a question. "Can you smell the smell of fresh bread?" Instantly I had a vision of a huge room with huge baking ovens and I saw Jesus and the angelic hosts pulling out fresh, huge, hot bread out of the ovens.
The smell was so fresh, the smell so inviting, the smell so full of life. The word "FRESH" just reverberated through my spirit. There was such invitation in the atmosphere and invitation to come into the place of FRESH BREAD.
Matthew 4:4 burned in my spirit, "Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that flows from the mouth of God."
"Bread alone will not satisfy, but true life is found in every word which constantly goes forth from God's mouth." Matthew 4:4 (The Passion Translation)
This is such an incredible season right now to receive the revelation of His heart, deeper revelation of His Word and hear the voice of God. The Lord is bringing His people into a deeper dependence and hunger to live completely, focused wholeheartedly upon what He says, the revelation He releases and not what any other voice or circumstance speaks. The Lord is bringing the people of God to such a higher place of insight, revelation, wisdom and clarity. To live in a deeper place of the revelation of the Word and revelation of His Word. 

The Lord is working deeply within His people to shift and concrete reality. There is a deep fire the Lord is igniting and increasing, that His people do not live by what is seen or told in the natural world but by every Word that flows from His mouth. A fire within their hearts and fire in their bellies, a deep resolve, conviction and fortification to live in the true reality and the reality is living in the word, perspective and truth of Scripture and what He speaks over every circumstance and situation.
The vision continued, and I saw many in the body of Christ feasting on yesterday's bread. The way it was, what God had said. I saw the eyes of Jesus roaming the earth, looking for those who would pursue the fresh bread. Those who would intentionally position themselves to receive the fresh bread of revelation He is releasing.
I felt so strongly that God is changing the subject. There was such an incredible, beautiful sense that surrounded me that God was changing subjects, but I saw different situations and circumstances causing people to run back to yesterday's bread. A lack of understanding, a lack of circumstances matching up with what God had said, disappointment, disillusionment, fear, doubt, weariness. I saw many "hung up" on what didn't turn out or happen the way they thought or the way they thought God had said it would, and it was keeping many away from the place of receiving the fresh bread that He was wanting to release to them now.
I saw many feasting upon this bread that was dry, moldy, crumbly and they were attempting to still feast upon this bread, and I heard the Holy Spirit say, "The revelation that they are feasting upon is for another season. Because of fear, disappointment and unanswered questions, they are attempting to bring the old, dry, moldy bread into today, but it is no longer for today. I have NEW BREAD for today. I am calling My people to live in a place of freshness. I am calling My people to leave behind the unanswered questions, and praise Me, and know that I am good, and in the release and receiving of the fresh bread, healing, peace and a settledness will come. Fear is keeping many bound on yesterday's bread, but I have FRESH BREAD of revelation and what I am speaking, that is going to release greater life and increase in the life of My people."
Stewarding the Bread
I felt the Lord is not only inviting us into a deeper place of fresh revelation of what He is speaking and His Word (hence the enemy is attempting to keep many from that place) but the Lord is teaching His people in greater ways the stewardship of the bread. How to stay in a place of hearing, seeing and discerning the fresh Word spoken from the Lord and not feast upon yesterday's bread. To daily be positioned to hear and see, to feast and live upon every Word, He speaks!
When I heard the Lord say "Can you smell the smell of fresh bread?" - it was a question of discernment. "Can you smell the increase of revelation of who I am, My Word and revelation I am releasing?" And the sense surrounded me strongly that what you smell draws and awakens hunger.
As we dive deeper into His presence and smell the invitation He is releasing and smell the fresh revelation He is wanting to release, it is going to increase hunger.  Hunger to live in the purity of living upon His word alone. Feasting not upon anything else but what He says.
There is a radical increase of HUNGER to hear from the Lord, His Word and what He is speaking, to hear the voice of God that is being released in the body of Christ as we smell the invitation to receive the FRESH BREAD of REVELATION He is releasing.
Accepting the invitation of His heart will see you feast on loaves of the fresh bread of revelation of who Jesus is, His Word and what He is saying, BIGGER than you have feasted on before. These loaves were HUGE.
Key Position
The key way to position yourself to hear is opening the Word of God. Approaching the Word of God with expectation that you are about to feast knowing that the Lord has FRESH REVELATION from the Word that is going to be released to given to you.
I talked this prophetic word over with a friend, and he saw the STEAM OF THE SPIRIT upon the Scriptures; the freshness of the revelation of the Word, waiting for you to receive and eat. Oh the joy, the filling, the hunger that shall increase within you. Many of you will be left in awe and wonder of the joy in the revelation of the Word that He is going to release to you. So fresh, the more you eat, the more you feast, the more ravenously hungry you shall become and the revelation that the Word of God is ALIVE and POWERFUL (Hebrews 4:12), will burn in you and through you and in the feasting upon the fresh bread He has for you, I see MANY shackles of the heart, mind and soul suddenly falling off as the lies, strongholds and things that have kept you in captivity come face to face with the Word of God and cannot stand and have root any longer.
"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Hebrews 4:12 (ESV)
The hungry SHALL be fed! Let us be people who live DAILY in the reality of Matthew 4:4 and feast on the FRESH bread of heaven.
"I am the Bread of Life. Come every day to Me and you will never be hungry. Believe in me and you will never be thirsty." John 6:35 (The Passion Translation)
Lana Vawser

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA