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Monday, March 19, 2018

Palestinian Bystanders Tried to Help IDF Soldiers After Terror Attack - Israel Today

Palestinian Bystanders Tried to Help IDF Soldiers After Terror Attack

Monday, March 19, 2018 |  Israel Today Staff
A young Palestinian Arab man rammed his car into a group of Israeli soldiers on Friday, killing two and badly wounding two more.
That naturally elicited more feelings of frustration and anger among Israelis toward the Palestinians.
At the same time, something happened that, after finally being fully reported, is countering that ill-will.
Following the car-ramming attack in northern Samaria (the so-called "West Bank"), a group of Palestinian Arab bystanders did their best to assist the wounded Israeli soldiers, and to prevent a follow-up attack.
The entire incident was captured on video by one of the Palestinian bystanders.
In the footage, after the ramming itself, a Palestinian man can be heard calling out to the soldiers in Hebrew, "Soldier, has someone called for assistance? Can we help?"
CLICK HERE to see the video on the website of Israel's Ynet news portal (text and audio are all in Hebrew).
Aware that the other Israelis at the scene were understandably on edge, the Palestinians kept their distance, but were eager to provide aid.
Also of note is that the video shows that the loaded M-16 assault rifle of one of the soldiers who had been hit by the vehicle was lying on the street at the feet of the Palestinian bystanders.
It was a golden opportunity to carry out an even more devastating attack on the hated "Zionist occupiers." A member of Hamas wouldn't have hesitated.
But these Palestinian men were seen clearly keeping their distance from the weapon, making it clear to the soldiers that they meant no harm.
PHOTO: Israeli soldiers at the scene of where two Israeli soldiers murdered and another two were injured in a car-ramming terror attack near Mevo Dothan, in the West Bank, March 16, 2018. Photo by Meir Vaknin/Flash90
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA