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Friday, March 9, 2018

US Joins Israel in Preparing for War; Abbas: Peace with Israel is ‘Treason’; How Israel Gives Syrian Kids Gift of Hearing - United with Israel

United with IsraelPeace with Israel is ‘Treason’; Urge Spanish Star NOT to Cancel Israel Concert! Iran Can Resume Uranium Enrichment in 2 Days; Simplest Way to End the Arab-Israeli Conflict 
Preparing for War, US Joins Israel in Missile Defense Training
Palestinian Leader Abbas Says Peace with Israel is ‘Treason’
WATCH: How Israel Gives Syrian Children the Gift of Hearing
ACT FOR ISRAEL! Urge South American Star NOT to Cancel Israel Concert! 
WATCH: Spanish Town Bans Anti-Israel Boycott 
35,000 from 72 Countries Race Through Streets of Jerusalem! 
Iran: We Can Resume Uranium Enrichment in Less than 2 Days 
Israel Assists Papua New Guinea After Devastating Earthquake 
WATCH: Simplest Approach to Ending Arab-Israeli Conflict 
Israel Donates Wheelchairs to Needy Children in South Africa 
Living Torah: If You Talk the Talk, Then Walk the Walk! 
USA: 1-888-ZION-613 
Israel: +972-2-533-7841

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA