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Sunday, March 11, 2018

What America Can (and Can’t) Learn from Israeli Gun Laws - Breaking Israel News


What America Can (and Can’t) Learn from
Israeli Gun Laws

By Caroline Glick
When mass shootings take plan in the U.S., commentators routinely raise Israel as a case study to prove that guns in the hands of citizens save lives. Israel, with its long and painful history of contending with terrorism, is rich with examples that prove this contention.

Despite Latest Iranian Outrage,
Euro-Business Keeps Churning

By P. David Hornik
At the Munich Security Conference in February, U.S. national security adviser H. R. McMaster and Saudi foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir raised the issue that European funds are flowing to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). The Revolutionary Guard is the main engine of Iranian subversion and terror and is believed to control about a third of Iran’s economy.

What Can Israel Do About Its ‘Brain Drain’ Problem

By Dr. Michael Laitman
Israel isn’t losing its best and brightest because of greener pastures or higher standards of living abroad. It is losing because it is turning its back on its true identity. To solve the brain drain, the Israeli heart must be replenished first.

Hamas: Full Steam Ahead to Nowhere

By Dr. Mordechai Kedar
The situation in Gaza provides another proof, for anyone who is still in need of one, of the inability of an Islamic movement to establish and maintain a modern state that can live in peace with its neighbors and tolerate ideologies that differ from its own.
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There Is No ‘There’ There

By Caroline Glick
One of the distressing aspects of the police probes against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is that police seem to be attributing criminality to normal policy-making.

Why Do the Arabs Hate the Palestinians So?

By Dr. Mordechai Kedar
Why should they hate the ‘unfortunate’ Palestinian Arabs? After all, the Arab narrative says that the Palestinian Arabs’ land was stolen and they were forced to become refugees. The answer to this question is complex and is a function of  Middle Eastern culture, which we in Israel and most Westerners neither understand nor recognize.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA