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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Israel is 70 years old this week! - ONE FOR ISRAEL

Dr. Erez Soref, President of ONE FOR ISRAEL 

On Wednesday night, the skies in Israel will erupt with fireworks as we joyfully celebrate the miracle of Israel's restoration 70 years ago! 

On this significant anniversary, it's good not only to look back in wonder at what God has done in bringing his people back to the land in a physical sense, but also to take stock of what has happened spiritually since we've come back home.

Findings Of New Research On The Messianic Movement In Israel: The First 70 Years

ONE FOR ISRAEL's Bible college, Israel College of the Bible, recently conducted a study looking at the modern Messianic movement in Israel. It focused only on Jewish believers, even though the Body of Messiah is comprised of both Jews and Arabs, since the communities have different journeys, challenges and expressions. We are one in Messiah and count it a privilege to serve both Jewish and Arab believers together at Israel College of the Bible. 

The key findings from our research have been extremely encouraging; the growth has not been linear, but exponential. Similarly, attitudes towards Messianic believers have also come a long way. Israeli Jews used to be mortified at the thought of a Jew who believed in Yeshua, but today almost everyone we talk to has heard of this growing movement of people. Continue reading...

Ezekiel's Dry Bones Prophecy About Israel Coming Back To Life

In 2018, Israel's population reached a new height of 8.8 million, the vast majority of whom are Jewish [1]. The restoration of the people of Israel to their biblical homeland is one of the events most frequently prophesied about in the Bible. But as in Ezekiel's vision, the physical resurrection precedes the spiritual. Continue reading...

Israel Shows That The Bible Is True!

There are so many prophecies and promises in the Bible concerning Israel that have come true, especially in the last 200 years, that no one could possibly have predicted or imagined. It shows that God can see the future, foretold it in his word, and has been utterly faithful in keeping his promises. Continue reading...

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ONE FOR ISRAEL - A Ministry Headquartered in Netanya, Israel,North American Office - 300 State St., P.O. Box 93000, Southlake, TX 76092-9998

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA