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Monday, April 2, 2018

New life in Messiah - Jews and Arabs coming into the kingdom! - ONE FOR ISRAEL

Dr. Erez Soref, President of ONE FOR ISRAEL 

Believe it or not, our ONE FOR ISRAEL videos and materials in English represent a relatively small part of our productions. We mainly produce information about Yeshua in Hebrew for Israelis to hear the truth in their own language, as well as a growing number of videos in Arabic.
We often receive messages telling us how these Hebrew and Arabic language videos have impacted people - and even brought them to faith.

Here's a message we received from a man living in the north of Israel. He grew up knowing God was good and tried to keep the Jewish law to the best of his ability. Then one day, he found out one of his friends was a Messianic Jew...

I said to myself, "Let's see about this," and I started watching your videos. The video that most influenced me was the one about Daniel's prophecy [see below]. After I saw it, I said to myself,"There's no way Jesus could be the Messiah." 

After a while, I don't know why, but something in me told me to investigate, so I went on researching and seeing more videos...  After a while an old friend betrayed me, and I was angry at him, but I remembered your videos about how we should not be angry but forgive instead, and I just forgave everyone and have started talking to them again. I feel full of love, of God's love. I am grateful to you and to Moti and Anastasia and to my messianic friend for making such a difference. I now understand what you are talking about; that God loves us, that we are all in perfect love, and I want to say that I love you, your website, and want you to make the people of Israel and the nations find God, just as you have helped me. Thanks for everything!

Here's another message we got from a believer who came across someone who had recently come to faith in Tel Aviv. 

He says,

"A guy just came to me who was a new believer, and he said that he had seen all your videos and that he really loves them! And that he was really encouraged by all the testimonies too."

When will the Messiah (first) come?

According to the book of Daniel, the Messiah has to appear no later than 483 years after the year 445 BC. And what will be his mission?
"To put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity." In other words, to solve the problem of our sin once and for all.
We need to remember that during the time of the Scripture one year equaled 360 days. Thus, 483 years after the issuing of Artaxerxes' command, we get right to the year 32 AD. Whoever takes the Bible seriously understands that the deadline for the Messiah's coming ended almost 2000 years ago. Continue reading...

"The Messiah Crucified"

Did you know that Muslims believe Yeshua was not actually crucified at all? They believe that he was so holy and righteous that God wouldn't let him die such a shameful death on the cross. Watch Carlos below, explaining why Yeshua was indeed crucified, and what that means for us: Jews, Muslims, and all the peoples of the earth (Arabic with English subtitles).

Carlos and his small team are now following up several people who have left Islam and come to faith in Yeshua.


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ONE FOR ISRAEL - A Ministry Headquartered in Netanya, Israel,North American Office - 300 State St., P.O. Box 93000, Southlake, TX 76092-9998

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA