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Sunday, April 15, 2018

World’s Silence on Syria is a License to Kill - Breaking Israel News


World’s Silence on Syria is a License to Kill

By Ben-Dror Yemini
We know the world is hypocritical, but if we needed further proof that the human rights discourse and the rights organizations have nothing to do with human ethics, the past few days have provided that proof. The volume of criticism against Israel over the casualties of the “March of Return” is larger than the volume of criticism against Syrian President Bashar Assad’s ongoing massacre of his own citizens. And in general, there are more international demands for an investigation against Israel than demands for an investigation against the butcher of Damascus.

No Time to Go Wobbly on Syria

By Caroline Glick
If fighting ISIS were the only reason for US forces to be into Syria, then a reasonable argument could be made for leaving and letting “the other people take care of it [Syria] now.” But that’s the thing, ISIS was arguably the group in Syria that constituted the smallest strategic threat to the US and its allies.

The End of the Era of Palestinian Deception

By Sarah N. Stern
For a quarter of a century, the Palestinian Authority has cynically wrapped itself inside a fig leaf dubbed as the “Peace Process.” The naked truth, however, is that it has been using every means available to incite for, incentivize and reward terrorism. With Friday’s passage of the Taylor Force Act, which aims to deduct payments to Palestinian prisoners and martyrs, fissures are finally emerging in its iron wall of deception.

Replace Incitement with Sound Government

By Earl Cox
Despite the oppressiveness of its constant dirge of threats and belligerent posturing, Hamas’s incitement presents a golden opportunity. A war started by Hamas could well end without Hamas. A Hamas-initiated war at this time could give Israel and its stakeholder allies an opportunity to replace Hamas with new leaders. Only this response has the most genuine, on-the-ground potential to resuscitate the suffering Gazan people, whom their leaders treat as dispensable pawns.

Solomon’s Wisdom, Hamas’ Cynical Stupidity

By Earl Cox
Under Hamas’ terrorist rule, tens of thousands of Gazans are preparing the second week of protests at the Israeli border, this week planning to burn thousands of tires. While creating a smokescreen under which to protest and instigate violence, any rational observer can see through their cynical tactics. And any rational observer can see through this at how Hamas’ actions are harmful on multiple levels.
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Israel Turns a Corner on Protecting Its Sovereignty

By Caroline Glick
Monday may have been a turning point in the global battle between the forces of nationalism and national self-determination on the one hand, and the forces pushing for a post-nationalist world with open borders on the other. While most eyes were on the U.S., where President Donald Trump used his Twitter feed to force the Mexican government to prevent a “caravan” of approximately 1,100 migrants from Central America from approaching the northern border, an even greater drama was unfolding in Israel.

Silver Anniversaries, Silver Linings

By Jim Fletcher
Later this year, the international political, diplomatic, and religious Establishment will celebrate the monstrous Oslo Accords, signed on the White House lawn. Bill Clinton, who had probably put his pants on five minutes before putting his arms around Rabin and Arafat, presided over a deal that marked thousands of Israelis for death and mayhem.The data shows us that from 1949 to 1992, Arabs murdered 1,176 Israeli Jews. The next set of “statistics” will make you really sick.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA