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Sunday, May 6, 2018

220 Airstrikes on Palestinians; World Yawns - Breaking Israel News


220 Airstrikes on Palestinians: World Yawns

By Khaled Abu Toameh
While all eyes are set on the weekly demonstrations organized by Hamas and other Palestinian factions along the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel, as part of the so-called March of Return, a Palestinian refugee camp near Damascus is facing a wide-scale military offensive and ethnic cleansing by the Syrian army and its allies.The war crimes committed against the Palestinians in Yarmouk camp have so far failed to prompt an ounce of outrage.

As Global Press Ignores Swastika Kites, Hamas is Winning Propaganda War

By Ben-Dror Yemini
It’s not just the Hamas Covenant or the calls for Israel’s destruction, chanted by some of the protestors. It’s also the kites carrying the Nazi symbol. And when these impassioned young people approach the fence, in an intentional provocation, with explosive kites—accidents can happen, and it’s a pity that they happen.

Europe Wants Unity on Iran but Undermines Trump on Jerusalem

By Caroline Glick
While the European leaders are pressuring Trump to align his Iran policy with theirs, Macron, Merkel, and European Union Foreign Policy Commissioner Federica Mogherini are waging a multifaceted campaign to undermine and discredit one of Trump’s most significant foreign policy initiatives: namely, Jerusalem.

Trump’s ‘Madness’ May be Doing the Trick

By Ben-Dror Yemini
The next stage is coming up, a meeting between the tyrant from Pyongyang and US President Donald Trump. Contrary to previous reports, Kim has presented conditions for the disarmament, which means nothing has been finalized yet.  One thing is clear: Tehran is closely examining every piece of information. There are initial signs that Trump’s threats are working in the Korean arena, and that’s exactly what Iran is afraid of, because Trump’s success in one arena will pave the way.

Trump’s International Art of the Deal

By Daniel Greenfield
An instinctive negotiator, Trump’s realpolitik genius lay not in ideology, but in grasping the core negotiating strategy of the enemy and then negating it by taking away its reason not to make a deal.
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Olmert’s Outdated Rhetoric at the 2018 Jerusalem Post Conference

By Harry Moskoff
Who is he to tell Israeli’s that we can’t tackle Iran? All of a sudden after getting out of jail, he is privy to all of Israel’s new military capabilities?  His whole interview smacks of self-preservation, and his statements are designed to cause political rift, which in the end, sows mistrust and simply empower our enemies.

Greatest Role to which Natalie Portman and Other Jews in the Entertainment Industry Should Aspire

By Dr. Michael Laitman
If we’re speaking about Jewish people in the entertainment industry, then I would expect them to portray an authentic representation of the Jewish essence. More succinctly, I would expect them to show examples of the tendency to unite above differences, that a kind, loving and caring attitude to others above all the primal divisive urges is what defines Jews at their nucleus.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA