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Thursday, May 17, 2018

'President Trump Is a Very Good Man': US Ambassador Friedman Tells CBN News a Trump Story Few Have Heard - CBN News Benjamin Gill

US Ambassador Friedman

'President Trump Is a Very Good Man': US Ambassador Friedman Tells CBN News 
a Trump Story Few Have Heard
CBN News Benjamin Gill

Just one day after the historic move of the US embassy to Jerusalem, CBN News sat down for an 
interview with US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman.

Friedman shared his personal account of what the day meant to him as he reflected on what his dad 
would have thought of it.

"Israel to him was the culmination of all the hopes and prayers of the Jewish people for thousands 
losses and the creation of Israel had a profound effect upon him, and that's how I grew up," Friedman 
told CBN News.

Referring to the Jerusalem embassy dedication, Friedman said, "And so to see this happen, as I was 
standing there, I couldn't stop thinking about how proud my father would be and how much I wish 
he had lived to see this day."

He also shared a behind the scenes view of Donald Trump and a story few may have heard.

"President Trump is a very good man, and that's not a description I give of many people," Friedman
 said. "He's a good man, he doesn't get credit for all the good things he's done."

"I've seen many of his acts of kindness, many of his acts of charity toward others. And of course, 
going back to my father, when I was mourning my father, I remember it was a day in February, 
there was a complete blizzard on Long Island," he said.

Friedman says the blizzard prevented most people from visiting him and his family during the 
Jewish mourning period, but it didn't stop Donald Trump.

"No one was coming that day because there was this massive blizzard. And all of a sudden, in he 
walks. Took him three and a half hours in a car to get out to visit me," he recalled.

"This was about 13 to 14 years ago, long before politics was on the horizon, nobody was there, 
no press, it's not like he did it for any coverage. And we sat for two hours and he talked about 
his father and I talked about my father, and we're really lucky to have him in the White House," 
he said.

Friedman also expanded on his view of how important evangelical Christian support is for the 
US and the state of Israel.

"I know the prime minister (Benjamin Netanyahu) is deeply appreciative of the evangelical 
Christian community, as am I, as is President Trump," he said.

Watch the interview here: US Ambassador Friedman

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA