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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The secret the world is covering up about BDS - Israel Video Network

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BDS-email preview
The BDS movement tries to mask themselves as a “progressive” movement. But we know better. Can the world really be that ignorant to not understand what the BDS movement wants? BDS calls for Israel’s destruction, yet the world remains silent. It’s not a secret, but somehow the world continues to ignore it. And that is just frightening.
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US-Occupied-email preview
It's the first time in nearly 30 years! This is not semantics. There are fundamental policy changes going on in the Trump administration.
Kurdish-Children-email preview
When people are suffering, Israel is there to help. Israeli hospitals serve the entire Middle East - even the sworn enemies of the State of Israel. Can there be any better proof that Israel is a Light Unto the Nations?
6-days-war-email preview
What a beautiful song about the 6 Day War! When the war broke out, Israel wasn’t even sure if they would survive. As things were looking down, God miraculously saved Israel. Israel’s enemies will continue trying to destroy the Jewish people and take their land. Our message back? We are NOT leaving. God has other plans.

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Shalom from Jerusalem! 
Avi Abelow
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©2018 12Tribe Films | Jerusalem, Israel

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA