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Saturday, May 5, 2018

Trump’s Peace Plan Reported: Four Neighborhoods in Jerusalem as PA Capital - Breaking Israel News

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Trump’s Peace Plan Reported: Four Neighborhoods in Jerusalem as PA Capital

'The plan does not include the Old City-which will be recognized as an international territory,' according to the report
“When Hashem is pleased with a man’s conduct, He may turn even his enemies into allies.” (Proverbs 16:7)

Gazan Protester Demanded IDF Shoot Him to Get $500 From Hamas

The protester, a member of Hamas, crossed the security fence and was subsequently arrested by the IDF
“For it was Hashem’s doing to stiffen their hearts to give battle to Yisrael, in order that they might be proscribed without quarter and wiped out, as Hashemhad commanded Moshe. (Joshua 11:20)

‘For the Liberty of Jerusalem’ Coin Found on Lag B’Omer Holiday

The distance of the find indicates the revolt against Rome had spread far from Jerusalem
“Against this people I will make you As a fortified wall of bronze: They will attack you But they shall not overcome you, For I am with you to deliver and save you —declares Hashem.” (Jeremiah 15:20)

Belgian Couple Posthumously Honored As Righteous Among the Nations

They hid a 5-year old until after the war when his father came to collect him
“I will give them, in My House And within My walls, A monument and a name Better than sons or daughters. I will give them an everlasting name Which shall not perish.” (Isaiah 56:5)

Arab-Israeli Poet Convicted of Incitement to Terrorism

The poet has no regrets and will appeal the ruling
“Though I walk among enemies, You preserve me in the face of my foes; You extend Your hand; with Your right hand You deliver me.” (Psalms 138:7)
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Ethiopian Jews Want to Come Home to Israel

The message they give is powerful and impossible to ignore

MICAH 3:10

The Prophet Micha (Micah) who lived in the eighth century BCE, lived during a period in which wealthy landowners and traders built lavish mansions and summer and winter homes in the cities of the Land of Israel...
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA