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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Steve Martin's latest book release: HOPE - Founded in the Solid Rock

Steve Martin's latest book
HOPE - Founded in the Solid Rock

Just released June 12, 2018
Buy here - Kindle: $1.99

It would be nice if you could run down to the local grocery store and buy a package of hope. After all, don’t we find we need it every day? A few good helpings daily sure would be nice.

It is not quite that simple to get, but hope is certainly possible to obtain, and keep. The way I have found hope is by believing the promises of the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, as put forth truthfully in the Bible. Through the centuries, the words written in the Word have proven accurate and life-changing in the very ones who have chosen to believe. I include myself among them.

The daily news will get you discouraged. The bank statement and monthly bills which come by mail or smartphone will drain you of your pursuit of happiness. One minute you are “up”. The next minute you hit a wall. What is it that keeps us pressing on to accomplish the good in life? Family and friends can be a good source to rely on, but even then those relationships can falter. We need more.

We need hope in our lives.

My desire and prayer are that as you read these messages you will obtain hope. Not a hope that will get you just through this day, but an eternal hope where you can stand strong, press on, and know deep in your heart that when it is all said and done, what He, Jesus, has said and done will be the very truth that keeps you until the end.

Find hope. Keep it within, and know that the faith, hope, and love of the Almighty God will always be there for you. He is our only hope.

Steve Martin
Charlotte, North Carolina
June 12, 2018 

Cover photo by Steve Martin 2016 - Ein Gedi National Park in Israel


1. H.O.P.E.                                                                  Page 7
2. Hope – Founded On Nothing Less                         Page 10
3. Hope Again                                                             Page 14
4. The Unexpected                                                      Page 17
5. Incredible                                                                Page 20
6. Multi-All!                                                                Page 22
7. Milestones                                                               Page 27
8. He Speaks In Many Ways                                       Page 30
9. Change                                                                    Page 34
10. More Quickly                                                        Page 37
11. Aim For The Target                                              Page 39
12. Influences                                                             Page 42
13. Dream On                                                             Page 44
14. The Unknown & The Known                               Page 47
15. Open Hands, Open Heart                                      Page 50
16. Christopher Wants A Baby; Catherine
Wants A Cookie                                              Page 53
17. For The Love Of God                                           Page 56
18. Choose Wisely                                                      Page 58
19. Hope In God                                                         Page 61
20. Labyrinth                                                              Page 64
21. God Will Make A Way                                         Page 66
22. Grandeur                                                               Page 70
23. Gone, With Little Remains                                   Page 73

Steve Martin's latest book
HOPE - Founded in the Solid Rock

Just released June 12, 2018
Buy here - Kindle: $1.99

This is Steve Martin's 18th book. All are available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle e-books.

BASIC LIFE PRINCIPLES - Buy here: Paperback: $11.95, Kindle $2.99

FAITHFUL -Buy here: Paperback: $5.95, Kindle $1.99

JERUSALEM & FRIENDS - Buy here: Paperback: $7.95, Kindle $1.99

SALVATION - Buy here: Paperback: $7.95, Kindle $2.99

Other books by Steve Martin, 
also found on Amazon in paperback and Kindle:

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA