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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Enemy is Being Exposed and Truth is Being Revealed by Lana Vawser Identity Network

The Enemy is Being Exposed and Truth is Being Revealed by Lana Vawser

Identity Network
The Lord spoke to me recently that He is uncovering the "hiding places" of the enemy. I had a vision and I saw Jesus moving into different areas in the lives of believers and different circumstances and He was carrying a torch and shining the light on those areas and suddenly the enemy was being exposed.
As He held the torch I heard two Scriptures:
"But when the truth-giving Spirit comes, he will unveil the reality of every truth within you. He won't speak His own message, but only what He hears from the Father, and He will reveal prophetically to you what is to come." - John 16:13 (The Passion Translation)
"Your Word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path." - Psalm 119:105 (Christian Standard Bible)
The sense surrounded me so strongly that the Holy Spirit is bringing a significant increase of revelation, clarity and discernment to His people who are positioned in the Word that is UNCOVERING the HIDDEN places of the enemy.
Breaker Anointing
Breaker anointing is being released upon God's people in double portions – the word is the key!
Not only is the Lord uncovering those "hidden places" where the enemy has been having a field day, stealing, killing and destroying, but the BREAKER ANOINTING is being released upon the people of God in DOUBLE PORTIONS in this season to bring radical freedom and deliverance. The Lord showed me that the "uncovering of the hidden places" is major part of the MASS DELIVERANCE and SOVEREIGN RESTORATION that He is releasing now, upon the earth.
"My words are a powerful fire; they are a hammer that shatters rocks." - Jeremiah 23:29 (Contemporary English Version)
The Word is KEY! The enemy is attempting to keep many in a place of distraction, busyness and dryness, away from the Word of God, but now is the time to be in the word more than ever! The Word is key and there are keys in the Word the Lord is releasing to uncover the hidden places of the enemy and the Spirit of truth revealing what He is saying, that as we agree with faith, there is a double portion of the breaker anointing being released and the resurrection power of Jesus bringing a turnaround.
Moving into Truth
"There is a major move of My Spirit right now releasing My people from lies and moving them into truth."
I had a powerful dream recently and I saw the FOXES that come to spoil the vineyards of intimacy with Jesus in the lives of believers being violently removed by God's people. The Holy Spirit was uncovering the places where these foxes have been hiding and the revelation of the truth of the Word of God and it's power (Hebrews 4:12) was being so awakened in the hearts and lives of believers, that they were going into the vineyards of their lives and they were partnering with the Lord to remove these foxes - these lies, these belief systems, these comprises. They violently moved into the vineyards with force with the Lord and were grabbing the foxes by the scruff of the neck and removing them with boldness and the roar of conviction of the Word's power.
"You must catch the troubling foxes, those sly little foxes that hinder our relationship. For they raid our budding vineyard of love to ruin what I have planted within you. Will you catch them and remove them for me? We will do it together." – Song of Songs 2:15 (The Passion Translation)
The Lord showed me a powerful move of His Spirit right now bringing mass deliverance and part of that is He is uncovering in increased and accelerated ways where lies and these foxes have taken root, and they are now being removed through repentance and the revelation of the truth of the Word of God and what He is speaking.
There is a rapid corporate deliverance from lies long believed that the enemy has been using as an access point into the lives of many believers to bring captivity, that is breaking their power. I heard Him whisper "Oh the major awakening to My truth that is upon you (the Church)." Major freedom and breakthrough and awakening to the truth of the Word is upon the people of God.
Eviction Power
A sovereign move of His hand is demonstrating the resurrection power of Jesus that is evicting the enemy!
The Lord also showed me the areas where the enemy has been coming at God's people in certain areas, attack after attack and lack of breakthrough. The Lord showed me in a dream that the resurrection power of Jesus is bringing a turnaround. He is bringing a turnaround to dry, dead places; places where life has not yet broken through. The life that we have in Christ released into these circumstances. I saw many of God's people feeling at "wits end" of knowing how to position themselves, what to pray, what to do to see this attack broken, this situation shifted.
The Lord showed me a sovereign move of His hand, a major demonstration of the resurrection power of Jesus Christ in many situations and lives bringing rapid turnaround, restoration, freedom and life that is evicting the enemy.
I felt His heart so strongly, that many need to hear that the Lord has it covered. The Lord is going to show Himself so strong on your behalf as a mighty warrior (Exodus 15:3) in many of these areas and there will be a sovereign move of His hand demonstrating the resurrection power of Jesus.
The Lord showed me this two-fold move of His Spirit (removing the foxes and the sovereign move of His hand releasing His resurrection power) is calling forth a new day of deliverance, freedom and awakening upon God's people to all we have already received in Christ Jesus.
We are about to walk in our inheritance in greater manifestation and power than ever.
Many have been crying out knowing there is so much more of what Jesus paid for us to walk in and access...
He is answering your prayers!
The army of God is arising in greater freedom, conviction of the power of the Word of God and the resurrection power of Jesus Christ to see the enemy evicted and reminded of his defeat in significantly increased ways!
Lana Vawser

Ebook PDF Download
By Sara Steele with Susan Janos
Price: $14.99
Sale! $10.29 
Click HERE to order.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA