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Thursday, July 5, 2018

Archaeologists Find 1,900-Year-Old Coin in Jerusalem - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS CHARISMA NEWS

(Photo by Nikita Andreev on Unsplash)
A rare coin minted 1,949 years ago was found last ‎week ‎in a dig in the City of ‎David in ‎Jerusalem.‎
Reut Vilf of the ‎City of David Foundation said the ‎coin, discovered ‎in the sewage system ‎running ‎beneath ancient ‎Jerusalem, dates back to the year A.D. 69, the fourth year ‎of the Jewish revolt against ‎Rome and the year in ‎which the rebels despaired.‎
According to Israeli media reports, a cache of ‎bronze coins from that time was found in 2014 in a ‎village near Jerusalem and more were unearthed in a ‎cave by the Temple Mount in 2018, from the second and ‎fourth years of the rebellion.‎
The coin found last week bears an inscription ‎ancient Hebrew lettering reading "For the Redemption ‎of Zion" and a depiction of a chalice. ‎
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA