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Sunday, July 1, 2018

'He Sits and Listens to the Word of God Every Day': Blind Iraqi Refugee Memorizes 87 Chapters of the Bible - CBN News Steve Warren

'He Sits and Listens to the Word of God Every Day': Blind Iraqi Refugee Memorizes 87 Chapters 
of the Bible
CBN News Steve Warren
Leading the Way Ministries reports they delivered one of their solar-powered Navigator audio Bibles 
to Fadhil, a blind Iraqi refugee in Amman, Jordan.

They visited the man's home again and discovered he had memorized 87 chapters of the Bible.

The man told the ministry team he just sits and listens to the Word of God every day. Team members 

"It was convicting because for us we memorize a couple of verses. But he memorized chapters. He 
just meditates on scriptures day in and day out," David Bottoms told Charisma News.

"Fadhil is someone who would seem unremarkable by the ways of the world. But God doesn't choose 
to reveal Himself through the mighty and the powerful and the rich," added Ron Hughes. He reveals 
Himself through the poor and the humble. Being in this very, very small, modest home and being in 
the presence of greatness as God's word filled the room ... was an amazing experience."

Hughes said this is another example of how the ministry's Navigator "is changing hearts, changing 
minds and glorifying God on the ground in the Middle East in a part of the world that is starving 
for God's love."

Learn more about Leading the Way Ministries and their vision for global outreach for Jesus Christ.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA