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Friday, July 6, 2018

Maoz Israel Report July 2018 - Ari & Shira Sorko-Ram

July 5, 2018    Nl-new code Facebook icon  Nl-new code Instagram icon  Nl-new code Pintrest icon  Nl-new code Twitter icon  Nl-new code YouTube icon  
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0718 - Top - Israel from space   SEVEN WAYS ISRAEL HAS
       By Shani Sorko-Ram Ferguson 

            When God created His perfect world, His plan was to lavish mankind with blessings beyond imagining and enjoy fellowship with His creation. After the chasm between God and man formed, there were only flashes of connections between men and God (Enoch, Noah,
etc.). Read the article...

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0718 - Maoz Team   WHAT IS MAOZ ISRAEL

              Because our organization has been here in the land for over 40 years, we have had the privilege of reaching out and working with many established ministries which were able to take leaps forward in developing their vision and mission with the financial help from our Maoz partners. Continue reading...

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0718 - Shavua Shavua frame   Shavua Shavua (Week by Week)  
       By Omri Roth 

            In Jewish tradition, the Five Books of Moses are divided into weekly portions for every week of the year. Continue Reading...

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0718 - Books in Hebrew   WHY DO WE TRANSLATE

          Maoz has been publishing books in Hebrew for over 35 years. In the beginning it was only a couple each year as per our budget—plus the fact that there were only a very small number of born-again Hebrew readers in the whole land!
Continue reading...
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0718 - Yair violin   MUSIC MAKING FOR KIDS

          The son of a pastor with a fast-growing congregation in the Haifa area, he is one of five children—all of whom show incredible talent. His older brother and sister are already accomplished musicians, leading worship and playing professionally. Yair and his younger sister are students in our Music Making for Kids program.
Last year Maoz provided music scholarships for
over 40 children. Continue reading...

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Maoz Donate - NL email

Maoz Israel Ministries - US Office: PO Box 535788 Grand Prairie, TX 75053

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA