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Monday, July 2, 2018

Palestinians Plot Massive Protest Against Trump; Brave Jewish Filmmaker Asks Crazy Questions to Hamas Leader, You Won't Believe! - United with Israel

United with IsraelYou Won’t Believe What this Jewish Filmmaker Asked a Hamas Leader! The Real 'Occupation' of Jerusalem; IDF Cares for Fleeing Syrians; Pro-Israel Bill Advances in US Congress; Why IDF is World’s Most Moral Army 
Palestinians Plot Massive Protest Against Trump Peace Plan
WATCH: You Won’t Believe What this Brave Jewish Filmmaker Asked a Hamas Leader!
IDF Provides Aid to Syrians Fleeing Assad
US Congress Advances Bill Fighting Anti-Israel Boycotts 
WATCH: Learn About the Real 'Occupation' of Jerusalem 
What Prince William Did Not See and Hear in Ramallah 
WATCH: How the IDF Remains the World’s Most Moral Army 
Spanish High Court Strikes Down 'Unconstitutional' Anti-Israel Boycotts 
WATCH: Syrians Fleeing Bombardment Denied Refuge in Jordan 
Good News Israel! Free Dental Care; New Cancer Center; Making Tumors Glow, and More! 
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA