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Monday, August 13, 2018

Documenting the Six Day War for Future Generations - Yossi Aloni ISRAEL TODAY

Documenting the Six Day War for Future Generations

Monday, August 13, 2018 |  Yossi Aloni  ISRAEL TODAY
Israel's Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage, in cooperation with the World Zionist Organization, has embarked on a mission to thoroughly document every possible angle of the 1967 Six Day War.
The goal is to help current and future generations better understand what earlier generations did and endured in order to settle, work and defend the State of Israel.
The project involved professional production teams visiting the homes of soldiers and others caught up in the fighting of the Six Day War to record their fascinating and moving stories. All of the audio and video files produced will later be uploaded to a special website for use by all Israelis.
Officials involved with the project emphasized that all stories, touching on every angle of the conflict, will be told.
A year ago, a similar project was carried out to document the War of Independence. Over 1,000 of those involved in the events of 1948 provided testimony.
Reuven Pinsky from the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage said: "The Six Day War took place on all fronts and forced the Jewish people to cope with a difficult reality. There were many stories of heroism, sacrifice and humanity - we want to document these stories for future generations. Documentation of the personal stories of this generation is the documentation of the history of the State of Israel, and will help shape the consciousness of Israeli society and educate the younger generation. As [famed Israeli general and politician] Yigal Allon once said, 'A nation that doesn't respect its past will have a dull present and an uncertain future.'"
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA