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Sunday, August 19, 2018

"Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father, comes to Me." John 6:45 - Richard and Carolyn Hyde from Heart of G-d Ministries

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Dear Friends and Prayer Partners,
We were deeply touched by the loving response by so many of you who were praying for our Orthodox Jewish daughter and her husband to arrive at the Thrive Today conference.  We'd never experienced such intense spiritual warfare but we are already seeing beautiful fruit. Many of you asked what we learned there.  The biggest benefit, besides the wonderful fellowship with beautiful Christians, including Christian psychiatric doctors, nurses, social workers, etc was learning how to re-pattern our thoughts and responses to negative emotions by replacing the usual accusations, complaints and frustrations with validation, compassion and gratitude.  This makes for a much more peaceful home!

After lunch each day we would do synchronized dancing - Israeli folk dancing to be precise!  Brain scientists have found this releases tremendous joy as it puts everyone on a level playing field as we all make mistakes together but quickly recover from shame and return to joy.  On the second day, when Shayna heard the words to one of the songs which was clearly a worshipful song to Yeshua, she left.  
 When Yishai realized that Shayna was gone during the dancing, he looked around and asked jokingly, "Was she raptured?" When he found Shayna, they walked outside together, and then 
an older lady saw their name tags and asked,  "Oh you're from Israel?  Are you preaching the Gospel to the Jews there?" Shayna calmly answered, "We are Jewish so weren't not doing that."
  If this had happened even last year, they probably would have packed their bags and left but instead they quickly returned to joy through Immanuel!  This is how they were able to come to this conference.  

Please allow us to explain.  We see the appearance of G-d many times in the Tanach, Old Testament and the clearest reference to His name is in Isaiah 7:14 - Immanuel or G-d with us.  Yeshua gave a remarkable Word in John 6:45 - "Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father, comes to Me."  So we realized from this Word that when we are seeking the voice of G-d from Immanuel who appears throughout the OT, when people hear His voice and learn from Him, they will find His Son!
Therefore the L-rd Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, 
and she will call His name Immanuel (G-d with us)   Isaiah 7:14 & Matt 1:23
On O

Ebenezer Group
Please join us in our home for an evening of worship, Israeli folk dancing and testimonies followed by dinner on our upper balcony with a beautiful view of the Galilee!
Shiriel Eliza Hyde
Announcing the newest member of our family - Shiriel Eliza Hyde!  Shayla and baby are doing well but please pray for Ariel who has been sick lately.  And please keep Avi and Liora in prayer for a miraculous restoration.
Prodigal banner
Many years ago the L-rd told me to make a banner with the names of prodigals, ours and yours, hang it on my closet and wave it daily when we're in the Galilee. If you'd like your loved one on this banner, it would be an honor to pray for them too!

Divine Appointments

While ministering in Detroit, a dear friend brought me to the home of a well known, elderly Jewish doctor who was friends with Albert Einstein.  While giving me a tour of his beautiful home, which is like a museum, he was pleased to show me original copies of books by Copernicus, Galileo, Darwin and of course Einstein.  At the end of the tour, he asked what I thought. I told the doctor that although his home is filled with treasures, there's only one treasure of value.  "What's that?", he asked rather astounded.
I gently placed my hand over his heart and said, "Your heart."  And with his nurse standing beside him, praying in tears, this doctor heard a clear message of Yeshua.  He didn't make a choice to follow Messiah that day but let's pray for his precious soul...

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

On the streets of Jerusalem we asked directions from an Orthodox Jewish man and then began to talk.  We had the joy of sharing our faith and he was surprised to realize that Messianic believers and Orthodox Jews actually have a tremendous amount of good things in common such as conservative beliefs.  He left saying he had plenty to ponder...
The good guysThank you for standing with us and the young Israelis whom we support who are also sharing Messiah's love in Israel.  As you bless the remnant in Israel with your love, prayers and support, may the L-rd pour out Genesis 12:3 blessings upon you and your loved ones!
In Yeshua's name,
Richard & Carolyn Hyde
Israel: PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda   15220  
USA:  PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246
Canada:  First Century Foundations  
Canadian charitable tax #10780-1771-RR0001  *   Phone: 1-877-628-2800
Box 234 * Milton, ON * L9T 4N9 * Canada * 

New Account details for Australia:Heart of G-d Ministries * Commonwealth Bank *
BSB: 063674 * Account number: 10205464
For all those wonderful people donating via Westpac Bank, please change to Commonwealth - thanks so much!

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Testimony: "My 6 month old son sleeps to your beautiful worship music on Deep Calls to Deep."
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We write L-rd and G-d in this way because it's a Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and it's done only out of reverence and honor for the name of the L-rd.  Thanks for understanding. 
Heart of G-d Ministries, PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA