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Sunday, August 5, 2018

Planned Parenthood will lay off staff and close clinics if it loses tax funding - Live Action News

Planned Parenthood will lay off staff and close clinics if it loses tax funding
After losing in court earlier this month, Planned Parenthood is seeking an emergency injunction in its appeal to stop the Department of Health and Human Services from adding the Protect Life Rule — because, they say, they would be “irreparably harmed” by it. Read more



A euthanasia case in the Netherlands made international headlines last year after it came to light that a woman was euthanized against her will. Now, the doctor who killed her is finally being held responsible. Read more

Jeremiah Thomas is 16, pro-life, and is currently battling cancer. And he is receiving scores of hate messages after he dared to call for the abolition of abortion in Texas as his final wish. Read more

The bill passed the California Senate, but is yet to make its way through the State Assembly. It would require — not just allow, but require — public universities to sell abortion pills to pregnant women on campus. Read more

Modern feminists claim that women need abortion to be legal as a matter of “choice.” Women should be able to choose when they become a mother, the argument goes, though a woman is already a mother at the moment of fertilization. Read more

Three doctors told my parents to abort me… but three other doctors were willing to fight for my life. Read more

A neuroscientist has found that at least 20 percent of people thought to be in a vegetative state are completely aware of what’s happening around them and to them, but they are unable to respond or move. Read more

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA