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Monday, August 6, 2018

PowerUp! 6 Helpful Hints to Devil-Proof Your Home | Anne Graham Lotz: 'Hold On, There's a New World Coming' | 7 Simple Prayers With the Power... - SpiritLed Woman

SpiritLed Woman PowerUp!
Monday, August 6, 2018
6 Helpful Hints to Devil-Proof Your Home
Learn how to devil-proof your family.
Learn how to devil-proof your family. (Lightstock)
The Bible offers what I like to think of as a blueprint for building a strong family. These principles are found in Psalm 127.

This short, five-verse psalm contains tremendous insight into parenting. In fact, Jewish rabbis teach that this psalm contains the pattern for training children to serve God.

Remember, when we see the word "house" in Scripture, we can often substitute the word "family." Let's look closely at the wisdom found in Psalm 127 for building a family that serves God and stands firm against the enemy.

1. Be committed. The psalm begins by telling us that unless we build the house God's way, our effort is in vain. It is possible to work hard to build something and have that work produce nothing. That's what it means to labor in vain. The effort is useless.

2. Rely on the Holy Spirit. Notice that Psalm 127:1 says, "Except the LORD build the house ... " and "except the LORD guards the city ... " This indicates that we must have God's help. God has given us His Word as the blueprint for training our children, but He also have given us a living Helper to guide and counsel us in the process.

3. Partner with your spouse. By God's design the father and mother have separate and distinct roles to help build the family. But the mother and father are to bring their unique strengths together and work as a team to train their children. If you're a single parent, you face unique challenges, but God offers unique help for single parents (see Isa. 54:4-5).

4. Give your worries to the Lord. I want to encourage you right now to let go of any guilt you may have over parenting blunders. As a parent, you will miss it sometimes, and sorrow may come on you when you do. read more 
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA