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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

'The Word of the White House': President Trump Reads These Prayer Cards - CBN News Abigail Robertson

'The Word of the White House': President Trump Reads These Prayer Cards
WASHINGTON – A prayer movement begun by one congressman and his wife is gaining national 

When Tracy Bost, wife of Rep. Mike Bost (R-IL), first set up a PO box for people in her district to 
send prayers to the president, she was hesitant to go back and check it fearing no one would send 
anything. But to her great surprise, hundreds of prayers poured in.

"That was really a blessing to me and then I knew that God was doing something bigger than I ever 
Tracy first came up with the idea when she and her husband, Mike, attended the 2017 GOP retreat 
in Philadelphia.

An Idea Born After Witnessing Anger and 'Pure Ugliness'

"There was so much protest going on and so much anger and just pure ugliness," recalled Tracy.

She wanted to do something to encourage the new commander-in-chief.

"I just kept praying, 'God what can I do? What can I do?'" said Tracy. "The prayer card came to mind. 
That we could just have people in my life, friends and family members, send a little prayer of 
encouragement to the president."

Prayer Card Goal Exceeds Expectations

They set a goal of 100 prayers and asked people to send them on 3x5 notecards. Six weeks later, they 
had received almost 300. Her husband asked a White House liaison to deliver them to President Trump.

"I handed them to him and said look, we don't want any [thing], just give them to him okay?" 
Rep. Bost explained.

A couple of months later, Bost joined a few other congressmen in the Oval Office for a bill signing.

President Trump Says, 'We Use Those'

"The president looks at me and goes 'Bost. Bost.' He said, 'prayer cards!' and I said 'yeah, Mr. President.
 My wife did that and circulated prayer cards.' And he said, 'We use those.' And I said, 'Good I'm so 
glad, that's wonderful,'" recalled Bost.

The president then asked an aide to grab the bag of cards off a shelf so they could take a picture.

"He said, 'understand, we use these,' and I turned and when I turned I ran, honest to goodness, 
chest-to-chest with the Vice President and he goes, 'Mike he's not joking, we use these,'" explained 
Bost. "'They'll be times we say okay, and we reach out and we grab them. It's amazing that people 
are willing to put these together.'"

Tracy was elated to learn he actually reads the cards.

"I cried and I still get emotional about it," she said. "I'm thankful that every day he gets to put his hand 
in that bag and I know the right card for that day is the one he puts in his hand."

Teacher Andrea Deming's students who wrote cards were thankful, too – even those who told her 
they didn't like the president.

"I encouraged them to just say positive things – if you had a specific prayer for him or a specific 
scripture that you would like to say that's positive," said Deming. "We strongly encouraged them to
 keep it positive and they all did. There were none that were rude or anything in that matter."

Knowing President Trump Reads Prayers Eases Concerns

Cassandra Ortiz, who now helps collect the prayer cards through Frontline Family Ministries, tells 
CBN News she was worried about President Trump because she didn't know where he stood spiritually. She says this experience has eased her concerns.

"To know that the Word of God is being spoken, it's being taught, it's being reflected on, it's being 
meditated on in the White House – it's just a huge encouragement to know that God is working and 
God is moving in the White House," Ortiz told CBN News.

She believes there is power in believers joining together to send prayers to our leaders.

Bost: Prayers an 'Integral Part of the Job'

"So many people, we don't want to be the silent Christians. We don't want to be the ones that see the 
issue, complain about the issue, and then don't do anything about it," continued Ortiz.

Congressman Bost says prayers and faith are an integral part of his job.

"I don't know how anyone does this job or any other job without a faith that is strong and without the 
prayer and support of other people," said Bost.

And he thinks many Christians would be surprised to learn how much prayer happens daily in the 

"There's never a day, never a morning, never sometimes during the day of any day that we're there 
that there's not at least one or two Bible studies or prayer groups that meet," says Bost. "I was so 
overwhelmed with the amount of faith in DC."

Prayers Now Coming from All Over America

The Bosts still deliver about a hundred prayer cards each month to the White House and now collect 
them from all over the country.

Tracy encourages people not just to write prayers to the president, but also the vice president, the first 
lady, or any other leader God is putting on your heart – like a mayor, city councilman, or state senator.

Watch story here: Prayer cards for President Trump

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA