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Thursday, September 6, 2018

Ben Lim: "Rosh Hashanah 5779: Prepare for the More! 7 Prophetic Decrees" - The Elijah List

Ben Lim: "Rosh Hashanah 5779: Prepare for the More! 7 Prophetic Decrees"

The Elijah List  Sep 5, 2018

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
We are on the cusp of the Jewish new year of Rosh Hashanah starting very soon...this month actually...and many prophetic words and insights are pouring in.
This is an excellent article about this season from Ben Lim of Los Angeles, in which he shares key insights and some powerful decrees we can pray over ourselves to prepare for what the Lord is doing.
Ben shares here:
On God's calendar, there are specific times where certain things are appointed. For example in Acts 3:21, it says that there are "...times of the restoration of all things." It's always a time for restoration, but there are specific times when a certain grace is made even more available to receive that blessing!
Now read on to find about how you can prepare for the more God is bringing our way this year! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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Appointed Times of Manifestation
There's something supernatural about times and seasons. These are portals on Earth's timeline that are made available for the more. It's important to be aware of the times that we are living in. I believe the Lord is aligning the Church to be so in-tune with His timing that we will not miss a beat of His heart. I believe some will be so accurate and so on-point that they won't miss a word, but will hit the bullseye on the target. Truly, being born of the Spirit means that we can discern the correct times of the hour.
On God's calendar, there are specific times where certain things are appointed. For example in Acts 3:21, it says that there are "...times of the restoration of all things." It's always a time for restoration, but there are specific times when a certain grace is made even more available to receive that blessing!
We can see through the timeline of history that the Church, over the last few decades, has received certain graces served in different generations. For example, the 70s experienced the grace of faith, healing, and evangelism. In the 80s the Church experienced the grace for teaching. In the 90s it was the grace for church-growth. In the early 2000s, we saw the grace for signs and wonders. Now, in the 2010s, we are and will experience the grace for prophetic evangelism and for glory.
"The enemy is about to pay you back for all that has happened to you. Whatever warfare or destruction you have gone through, you will be receiving double for your trouble!"
There are certain graces that the Lord has been preparing to release but He's been wisely building up His people, generation by generation, and statute by statute. The Lord is a wise builder and He has been building you up for such a time as this.
And now the Lord is about to release something new in this Rosh Hashanah season. I believe there are great blessings and revelations given, as we pay attention to the appointed feasts of God, as set apart and ordained by the Lord.
Opportune Times
"See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:15-16)
That word redeem in the Greek is: "exagorazo" which means to "buy up" the time or to "ransom" the time. Essentially, make the most of the time and fully take advantage of what is at hand, recognizing the prospect of the future gain. The Lord wants us to pay careful and close attention to what He is doing and to what is happening on the earth. The moans and the groans of the earth have certainly been heightening and intensifying.
The Signs of the Times
I am not a "doom and gloom" preacher and I do believe I have a great and healthy end-times eschatology, but there are certain things going on in the earth today that were not occurring just a few years ago. We are living in such tremendous times of great opportunity, yet great opposition. We are living in times of such great wealth of knowledge, yet a lack of wisdom; with such quick connections, yet lacking a depth of truth. We are in times of great acceleration and destruction for some.
Rosh Hashanah – 5779
Rosh Hashanah literally means "Head of the Year," or the beginning of the year. It is the Hebraic new year. It is coming soon upon us and on the timeline of the Gregorian calendar, it is September 9-11th, 2018, which is coming up very soon! (Photo via Flickr)
As appointed by God, there are time portals... portals of glory which are opened up for a certain amount of time during specific times of the year. This is a time where debts are canceled and settled and assets are restored. This is a time where you can reset and restart once again. The economy of Israel is refreshed and the agriculture of the land is relaunched once again.
There is a realignment taking place with the purposes of God. Unusual times demand unusual responses. Unusual times are not for the ordinary, but are for those who take heed to step up into the extraordinary. There are measures that are made available for us, but to those who have an ear to hear, they will step up into the more because of the shift of this realignment.
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
New seasons will always bring realignment whether you like it or not. So I encourage you to get ready and be prepared for it because you do not want to miss out on all that the Lord has for you! Prepare yourself and get ready because there is a lot of glory that is about to be released on the earth!
There is restoration in the name of Jesus. There is restoration in the Blood of Jesus. Many people have been going through attacks, trials, and tribulations. The enemy has been trying to scatter your flock and divide your company. But the Lord is about to come through with massive restoration and recompense! Recompense belongs to the Lord!
The word "restitution" represents even more than just restoration. Restoration is receiving the exact, same amount of what was lost. Restitution is divine payback and then some! Restitution is the recompense and payback for what was done to you on top of the restoration of what was lost!
The enemy is about to pay you back for all that has happened to you. Whatever warfare or destruction you have gone through, you will be receiving double for your trouble! In fact, it will be much more than that. The Bible says seven times for what has come upon your camp!
"Truly, being born of the Spirit means that we can discern the correct times of the hour."
"If a man delivers to his neighbor money or articles to keep, and it is stolen out of the man's house, if the thief is found, he shall pay double." (Exodus 22:7)
"Yet if he is caught, he must pay sevenfold, though it costs him all the wealth of his house." (Proverbs 6:31)
Preparing for the More!
Because the Lord is wanting to pour out even more, we must cleanse ourselves and get ready in a spirit of humility and repentance. It's time to get clean and to make things right before the new is released. We do this by repenting to one another, forgiving one another, asking for forgiveness from others, and by clearing the air with your brothers and sisters. This is an essential key to receiving the more of God. We must make room for the more by doing justice within our own selves. Do what's right and the Lord will bless you!
Seven Rosh Hashanah Decrees
As we are nearing Rosh Hashanah, I want you to release these prophetic decrees over your life!
1) I decree that I am the head and not the tail! The Lord, my God, is bringing me up and is turning things around in my life. I will be ahead of the rest and I will be coming up in Jesus' name.
2) I decree and declare that I am about to taste and see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! I am about to taste of the sweetness of the Lord. He is turning all of my bitter into sweet. I will fully experience the promises of His Word!
3) I decree a restoration of all that was lost and stolen from me and my family. Whatever the thief tried to take from my finances, my health, my ministry, and my business, I take it back now and I receive my restoration today in Jesus' name. (Photo via Wikimedia)
4) I decree a spirit of restitution to take over in Jesus' name! The enemy will pay back seven times over and even more. I decree and declare that I am ready to receive the restitution and the honor that is for the shame and for the arbitration.
5) I decree a renewing and a renewal of all things. I am coming into the new. The Lord is making me new for I am a new creation. I am coming into a new shift and alignment in the Spirit. "I am making all things new," says the Lord! (See Rev. 21:5.)
6) I decree that I am entering into the best year of my life yet. This is going to be my year. I am going to have the best times of my life and the most outlandish encounters and experiences with the Holy Spirit. 5779 is my year, in Jesus' name!
7) I decree that I am entering into the greatest breakthrough of all. I am the shofar of the Lord. I am the trumpet of the Holy Spirit. The Lord is about to release a blast of breakthrough into my spirit and out of me in Jesus' name! I will shout and praise aloud of the works of the Lord!
L'Shana Tova and get ready for the new year and the new glory! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Ben Lim, Senior Pastor
His Way Life Church

Ben Lim is a dynamic Millennial leader, who currently serves as the senior pastor of His Way Life, in Koreatown, Los Angeles. He is the director of Open Heaven Cry, a missions and revival network, and is a highly sought out international speaker. He is the CEO of Ben Lim TV and is the author of the book Men of Valor. He loves to live life in the fullness as a son of the Most High.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA