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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Lana Vawser: "As We Crossover into 5779, I Heard the Lord Decree: 'The Year Where Everything Changed!'" - The Elijah List

Lana Vawser: "As We Crossover into 5779, I Heard the Lord Decree: 'The Year Where Everything Changed!'"

The Elijah List
Sep 11, 2018

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
Dear Elijah List Friend,
One of our most prolific writers in the prophetic is Lana Vawser from Australia. She has proven herself to be accurate many times, so please take this encouraging word seriously.
As we have just entered the Hebrew/Jewish NEW YEAR we call ROSH HASHANAH, this is the time and season where God always brings in a great deal of revelation to the Body of Christ with new opportunities to trust HIM in, in the new year.
In this Rosh Hashanah word, Lana says this:
There have been whirlwinds sent to try and take you out, but now the Lord is releasing whirlwinds of ACCELERATION that are going to position you—SUDDENLY.
Now, engage your faith, trust in the Lord, and begin EXPECTING to see what Lana is delivering to you here, from the Lord! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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I heard the Lord say at the beginning of Rosh Hashanah, "The year where everything changed." I could feel the excitement in the atmosphere of the enormous shift that is taking place over the Body of Christ right now. As we have moved into Rosh Hashanah, I believe the Lord is making a decree of MAJOR CHANGE!
Sudden Whirlwinds
There have been whirlwinds sent to try and take you out, but now the Lord is releasing whirlwinds of ACCELERATION that are going to position you—SUDDENLY.
The changes that are taking place in the spirit are NOT something to fear. The enemy is using lies and fear to create a foreboding in many hearts of what the CHANGE looks like. But I want to encourage you that the changes which are going to take place will be GOOD! They are greater manifestations of the destiny of the Lord for your life.
Don't despise the uncomfortable feelings of stretching that are taking place right now. Don't despise the feelings of pressure on either side. In the midst of it all, everything you are walking through is preparation for what God is leading you into. There has been such an intense season of preparation for so many, and now the Lord is leading His people into the greater places of positioning and Kingdom alignment.
"Expect to now see My justice released into your life in great acceleration."
In the battles that many of you have faced and especially lately, you have continued to stand. Now that you've done all to stand, you must keep standing (Ephesians 6). The Lord is using ALL things you have been through and are walking through—to FORTIFY and INCREASE you!
There has been a SIGNIFICANT BATTLE leading up to this threshold of crossing over into 5779, and now you shall begin to see in greater acceleration and manifestation WHY the battle has been so intense.
Vision: The Hand of the Lord Moving Pieces on a Chessboard
In a vision, I saw the hand of the Lord moving pieces on a chessboard and as each piece was moved, there was a significant shaking that was taking place in the spirit. The atmosphere was so full of the authority and decrees of God. Get ready to see some significant and SOVEREIGN rearranging of God's hand. He is going to set many in places for His glory and Kingdom to be extended, and NOTHING will be able to stop the divine positioning of God. As this positioning of God takes place, guard your hearts. The enemy would attempt to stir up offense or jealousy in hearts regarding the positioning of His hand.
I want to encourage you to continue to lean into Him. Stay close to His heart. Do not allow offense or jealousy to be stirred up, but KNOW that the positioning of God is PERFECT. Celebrate one another and pray for one another, and do not entertain the lie of the enemy that you have missed out. The Lord is going to minister to many areas where the orphan spirit has taken hold in souls. He is going to heal those areas and awaken His people in greater ways to their identities in Him, as sons and daughters, who are dearly loved.
He is Maturing You to Carry What He is Releasing
The Lord spoke to me that there has been an intense MATURING of the saints that has been taking place! Why? Because the Lord is wanting to MATURE His children so we can CARRY what He is releasing. He wants us to STEWARD with purity, integrity and maturity in the major move of God that is upon us. The earth is groaning for the mature sons and daughters of God to be revealed (Romans 8:22-24).
The King of glory is about to come THROUGH YOU in glorious ways. His power and love is about to be manifested through your life in such stunning ways. I also had a vision of the Body of Christ crossing over the threshold into the Hebraic Year 5779 and many were decreeing: "NOW I KNOW WHY I AM ALIVE."
Where there has been a deep searching for purpose within many in the Body of Christ, your relationship with Jesus and the reality of living FOR HIM, to KNOW HIM and to MAKE HIM KNOWN, is going to burn in you in greater ways than you have experienced before. As we cross over the threshold, there will be greater FIRE IN YOUR BONES for the Word of God, bringing awakening to your purpose in Christ. Your DESTINY in Jesus is going to COME ALIVE in greater ways and in such a SIGNIFICANT AWAKENING!
In the flames in the fire, the Spirit of God is anchoring you deeper in Jesus; deeper in His Word and stronger in conviction of faith to stand upon what He says and what He reveals. The pressing HAS and IS preparing you to carry increase.
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
A Roar of Justice
I hear the ROAR of the Lion of Judah in the spirit. There is a ROAR OF JUSTICE that is being released right now by the Lord. In a vision, as I watched God's people stepping over the threshold into 5779 as the crossover was taking place, I heard the ROAR of God so loudly. SUDDENLY, I saw angelic hosts flying with such speed toward God's people. The wind of the Spirit blew so strongly and these angelic hosts were holding SPOILS.
I knew suddenly that there is an even greater shift taking place right now, and the Lord is releasing His ROAR of justice and is bringing the SPOILS back to God's people.
The Lord gave me a prophetic word earlier this year about the enemy attempting to SPOIL our plans from God, but the Lord is decreeing that this is the season for the Body of Christ to GATHER SPOILS. What is taking place is a SIGNIFICANT INCREASE upon what God decreed. This IS your season to GATHER THE SPOILS. The enemy has been trying so hard to SPOIL this season for many, BUT GOD... that IS the testimony and WILL be the testimony—BUT GOD!
"When Jehoshaphat and his people came to take their spoil, they found among them, in great numbers, goods, clothing, and precious things, which they took for themselves until they could carry no more. They were three days in taking the spoil, it was so much." (2 Chronicles 20:25)
"The year where everything changed."
I decree over you today:
• This is your season to gather the spoils from the camp of the enemy.
• This is your season right now where you will see the JUSTICE of GOD released into your life in GREAT ACCELERATION.
• This is your season right now of MAJOR suddenlies, turnarounds and miracles.
I heard the Lord say:
"The scales of My justice are being weighed in YOUR FAVOR. This is the YEAR WHERE EVERYTHING CHANGES."
"Fasting" is Key
As we now move into 5779, the Lord spoke to me that fasting is a key right now. There is SIGNIFICANT deliverance, breakthrough, and shifts that are going to take place as you FAST. This is an ESTHER season with such significant positioning, favor and promotion. In this crossover there will be GREAT, momentous shifts and breakthroughs as you fast and set your face as flint towards Jesus, and watch what He will do.
It's Time to Be Released
I also saw many of God's people coming to the threshold of 5779, but were weighed down by things in the past and things that have taken place in this season. They were walking with HEAVY SHACKLES around their feet and I heard the Lord say, "IT IS TIME TO BE RELEASED,"and the ROAR of His justice sounded again.
Suddenly, I heard the Scripture from Exodus 14:13"Moses answered the people, 'Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.'"
There is a MIGHTY deliverance upon you in the ROAR of His justice over your life. The places of bondage, of being caged, of oppression and torment are being BROKEN, and they are LOSING their hold by the ROAR of His justice over your life. His justice is releasing such significant deliverance, healing and breakthrough, you will NO LONGER see those places that have kept you bound. Those "landing strips" that the enemy has used for so long to hold you back, will see sudden shifts in the ROAR of God's justice over you.
"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." (John 8:36)
You are FREE in Christ, and that FREEDOM that was purchased for you at Calvary is going to continue to SUDDENLY manifest in your life in this year—where EVERYTHING CHANGES! It's time to be RELEASED! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries
Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they are living in Brisbane, Australia, with their two sons.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA