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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Don't Give Up; Prayer Spot. Got One? - Now Think On This messages by Steve Martin

October 31, 2018

Greetings family and friends.

Stressed out? Overloaded with all this overwhelming news? Wanting to quit and go live on an island?

We all have been there, done that. (Not so much as live on an island, but wanting to. Or at least a small mountain cabin.) But that may not happen. So I wrote: Don't Give Up .

My 2nd message Prayer Spot. Got One? encourages you, it really does, to simply find a spot in your home, and give the Lord time to refresh and encourage you, so you don't give up, as I said above. You can do this. Trust me.

I notice several of you are not buying my books. Why not? Cheap enough. And thus for what you will pay you have no excuse. So go ahead and spend the $5.99 and get Arms of Love (see below.) I sincerely hope you will support the ministry of Love For His People, Inc. by purchasing a copy (or two!) I would most appreciate that. (Only $5.99.)

Be blessed with ahava (love) and shalom (peace),

Steve Martin

P.S. We support Messianic Jews and congregations in Jerusalem and vicinity. Please consider a contribution today for this ongoing, monthly support.

Click here for easy, online donations or address for checks: Love For His People contribution. Todah rabah (thank you very much.)

Now Think On This
Steve Martin
“Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” (1 Timothy 6:12-13, NKJV)

Cross country runners face it, approaching, at last, the long, steep hill climb to complete the race. Boxers in the 7th round feel it when exhaustion burns in their tightening arm muscles. Wrestlers going into the third period of a fierce competition, against a ruthless opponent, know it, and must call up the strength within them to get to the final bell and not get pinned, but get the win.

They can’t quit. They must not give up, even moments before when that prized victory shout is about to happen, while slightly, even so slightly, they consider that it might not come.

A young mother, carrying the ever growing new life within, holds on to make it to the end of the nine long months, hoping, but yet a bit uncertain, if all will come out right, with their child having the ten fingers and the ten toes that will be just perfect.

Even the pastor of 12 years, having given as much as he thought he had to give out, must not stop and give up, nor give in. He must still call upon the name of the Lord, the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega. He must keep looking to the One who started him on this journey, and not let discouragement and lack of results end the still young man’s initial dream.

We all will face the temptation to call it quits, to end what was started, having begun with so many large expectations, only to look back and think it will never, ever happen. Those big plans and deep desires, instilled years before, seem to be fading away, with the sun setting once again, ending the day the way it began.

Be sure to read the rest: Don't Give Up

Steve Martin

“However, He (Yeshua/Jesus) made a practice of withdrawing to remote places in order to pray.” (Luke 5:16, Complete Jewish Bible)

Do you have a prayer spot, a prayer place, and space where you can go to be alone with the Lord? Yeshua (Jesus) made it a habit to withdraw to “remote places in order to pray.” To me, that says a lot. It also demonstrates a real example to each of us, that if Yeshua, the Son of God, felt it was important enough to find a quiet place, in order to talk with His Father, alone, on a regular basis, then we ought to do the same.

But do we? Or do we get the One-Minute Bible, say a one-minute prayer, and do a one-minute devotional each day as we rush to the daily job, take the kids to the next event, or plop down for a two-hour movie to “relax” and let nothing else come our way until bedtime?

Do we then expect and trust that all will be just great (hunky dory for you old-timers like me) being we have dutifully given Him a one-minute time slot out of the 24 hours we each have, every single day, and then call this “living the Christian life?”

Ever try not talking to your spouse for over a day or two while being in the same house? Or have you tried ignoring your kids when they get home from school for more than a few hours, and then send them to bed, and expect that this will suffice in showing them that you care, and love them?

(Be sure to read the rest: Prayer Spot. Got One?)

by Steve Martin

When it has all been said and done, there is an eternal love that will stand the test of fire. Because the biblical expression of love, laying down one’s life for his friends, has eternal value, this love from God the Father to His creation is the type that I most seek after and try to share.

In these short chapters of Arms of Love, which is also the title of a song Laurie and I sang while leading various church worship meetings, and as the lead singers in our Ahava Love Band, I share some aspects of how I believe the Bible speaks of love.

For you who are about to read this, my prayer is that your heart will be enlarged with His, and you too will become one, even more, to give love for His people, both Jew and Gentile, both saved and unsaved.

I hope that as you read these chapters, you will become more inspired to spend time with the Lord, experience His heart of love, and share it with our fellow man. The world needs to know the love of God.

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

You can get it in paperback or Kindle.

Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134 USA

Love For His People
Love For His People, Inc | P.O. Box 414Pineville, NC 28134

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA