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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Feeling Tired and Sick All the Time? This Common Allergy Might Be Why - SUSAN NEAL CHARISMA NEWS

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Feeling Tired and Sick All the Time? This Common Allergy Might Be Why

Fifty years ago, sensitivity to gluten was rare. Why has gluten sensitivity skyrocketed in the U.S.?
It is because the human body cannot proficiently digest the gluten in today's wheat because it was hybridized. Wheat is not the same today as it was one hundred years ago. In this article you will learn how wheat was altered and why so many people are gluten sensitive.
Hybridized Wheat
Over 50 years ago, the wheat in the United States was crossbred to create a drought resistant, high-yield, dwarf wheat. No longer do tall amber waves of grain grow in the Midwest. Instead, wheat is now only a couple of feet tall and prolific. Unfortunately, the gluten changed so much that it can induce gluten sensitivity. Therefore, I recommend that humans do not consume any products made from wheat. No more waffles, pancakes, muffins, cake, piecrust, pizza, pretzels, bread, pasta—the list goes on and on.
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Gluten Sensitivity
Gluten is in wheat, rye and barley. However, most people do not typically consume rye and barley, so the gluten culprit is from wheat. Since gluten in the hybridized wheat is difficult to digest, some individuals become sensitive or intolerant to the gluten. Individuals with gluten sensitivity experience digestive problems when they consume foods with gluten. In fact, after they consume gluten, they may need to be close to a bathroom for the next 24 hours.
Gluten sensitivity blood tests (tTG-IgA and IgG) are available, but they are not always accurate. Therefore, if you want to find out if you are gluten sensitive, stop eating wheat and products that contain gluten for a whole month. This amount of time is necessary because the gluten molecule is so large that it may take weeks before the body can eliminate it.
As you reintroduce gluten back into your diet, note any adverse side effects such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, smelly feces, constipation, foggy mind, abdominal pain, headache, joint pain, depression, nasal congestion, skin problems, fatigue and autoimmune diseases. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should not consume products that contain gluten.
Leaky Gut
If a person's body does not recognize the modern gluten molecule, their immune system attacks it and their body at the same time. This causes the gastrointestinal tract to become damaged, resulting in holes in the intestinal wall—leaky gut. Those holes allow food to enter the bloodstream, which causes the person to become allergic to other types of foods. Gluten sensitivity is often paired with an autoimmune condition because the body accidentally harms its own cells as it attacks the broken-down food in the bloodstream.
Autoimmune Disease
An autoimmune disease could have been caused by a gluten sensitivity you didn't know you had. This sensitivity could have caused your immune system to get confused and attack a part of your body. Therefore, I recommend anyone with an autoimmune disease not eat wheat.
Instead, make homemade gluten-free bread, cookies, muffins and other treats. Healthy recipes using coconut and almond flour are readily available. You could also obtain einkorn wheat flour made from a nonhybridized whole-wheat berry.
Now that you understand wheat products are harmful, you can avoid them. As you eliminate processed foods made from wheat, you should consume more whole, organic fruits, vegetables, whole grains (oats, brown rice, quinoa, barley), nuts, seeds, beans, fish and meat. Jesus wants you to live life in all its fullness, not in a worn-out, sick body. As you improve your health you can serve God to the best of your ability. 
Susan Neal, RN, MBA, MHS is a certified health and wellness coach with the American Association of Christian Counselors. She has published three books, including the Selah award winner, 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates. Susan blogs and provides healthy menus, recipes and corresponding grocery lists at You can find her books on Amazon or at her website,
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA