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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

California Earthquakes: Seismologists Search Depths, But Cause May Be in Heavens - Breaking Israel News

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California Earthquakes: Seismologists Search Depths, But Cause May Be in Heavens

Nibiru expert suggests recent surge may be due to shift in the heavens, not underground

“Who built His chambers in heaven And founded His vault on the earth, Who summons the waters of the sea And pours them over the land — His name is Hashem.” (Amos 9:6)

First Jewish Perfume Packaged for Purchase

In Temple times, priests would burn incense every evening and morning on the golden altar in front of Ark of the Covenant

WATCH: US Reimposes All Sanctions on Iran

New round may completely cripple economy by targeting oil exports

Shin Bet Foils Nearly 500 Planned Terrorist Attacks in Judea and Samaria

Underneath the surface, area is bubbling with Hamas trying to carry out terrorist atrocities


In the previous two chapters, Yirmiyahu (Jeremiah) describes the utter destruction that will befall the Babylonians. However, it is the future of Israel that concerns God the most...

Israeli Scientists Decipher Genetic Code of Parasite That Endangers 70 Million Africans

Deadly parasite Trypanosoma brucei causes sleeping sickness in sub-Saharan Africa
To ask a medical question for an expert to answer, email Judy Siegel-Itzkovich at, giving your initials, gender, age and place of residence.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA