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Thursday, December 6, 2018

Bible App Reports Isaiah 41:10 - The Most Popular Bible Verse of 2018 - CBN News Steve Warren

Bible App Reports Isaiah 41:10 - The Most Popular Bible Verse of 2018 
- CBN News Steve Warren
Dec. 5, 2018
Isaiah 41:10 is the most popular Bible verse of 2018, according to the YouVersion Bible App.
YouVersion says the verse was the most shared, bookmarked and highlighted among its 350 million users worldwide.
The verse reads: "Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand." 
"This year's data shows people worldwide are continuing to turn to the Bible in search of comfort, encouragement, and hope," Bobby Gruenewald, YouVersion founder, said in a statement. "We're humbled that 10 years after its release, people continue to use the YouVersion Bible App in record numbers to connect with God's Word."
With more than 1,800 versions in more than 1,250 languages, Bible reading in the app is on the rise across several continents. With the addition of a new Japanese Bible version within the app, Bible engagement in Japan saw year-over-year growth of 104 percent. 
YouVersion reports Bible engagement in Eastern Europe is also growing quickly with Romania seeing an increase of 100 percent. In South America, Chile, and Argentina are the fastest growing countries with 79 percent and 60 percent growth in Bible engagement, respectively.
Bible engagement reached new heights this year as YouVersion data showed a 27 percent increase in daily active users compared to last year. The YouVersion community listened to 4.2 billion chapters and read more than 27.2 billion chapters of the Bible this year, which is a year-over-year increase of 40 percent and 62 percent. 
In addition, the YouVersion community has been taking advantage of habit formation features like Bible Plans, which help users develop the discipline of daily Scripture reading. This year, users completed more than 950 million Bible Plan days, a 59 percent increase compared to 2017. 
YouVersion also saw significant growth in its Bible App for Kids, which was released in 2013. With nine languages added this year, children can now experience the animated Bible stories and interactive games in 42 different languages. Compared to last year, the number of app installs has increased by 55 percent, totaling nearly 27 million devices worldwide. 
"This generation is on pace to become the most Bible-engaged generation ever, and we believe the Church should keep investing in new technologies to help adults and children connect with the Bible," Gruenewald added. "We're honored to be a part of how God is reaching people around the globe through His Word, and we're eager to see how Bible-engaged people make a difference in this world for decades to come."
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA