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Saturday, April 13, 2019

Rejection to Resurrection - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Rejection to Resurrection
Steve Martin

“This Yeshua is the stone rejected by you builders which has become the cornerstone. There is salvation in no one else! For there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by whom we must be saved!” (Acts 4:11-12, Complete Jewish Bible)

A highly respected and noted Bible teacher in the 1970s and beyond, Bob Mumford of North Carolina, had a unique way of presenting truth as he spoke. He would get the gathered believers laughing about an incident or story he would tell, and then, “Bam!”, the truth would hit you, figuratively, in your smiling teeth, with your mouth wide open, when the last sentence of truth proclaimed came forth. When the reality of the situation he was telling became shockingly clear, suddenly exploding in your heart’s understanding, it was like you just got hit in the mind with clarity. You never saw it coming, but when it did, the presented truth immediately enlightened your head and heart. It was, “Yes, that is it. I never saw it before. How could I have missed that? Wow!”

Bob Mumford
Bob went on to say that so very often, when we hear the Word of the Lord come to us the first time, as a word of instruction and direction, that which is given as the answer to our prayer and supplication, our immediate human response is so often, “No, I cannot. I will not. I must not.” We reject that very thing which would save us. Only later, when we find out that that very truth is spoken, the one we so easily cast aside as ridiculous or impossible at first, would be the exact one that was sent to us, to bring us from rejection to resurrection. Only then do we receive it and rise, being resurrected ourselves with it.

But as happens far too often, we at first dismiss it. We at first toss it aside. We let it be buried in the ground.

As happened with Jesus Himself, that which was rejected and buried later became that which was the very cornerstone that was needed. Salvation has come. We need only to receive Him, day in and day out, to get out from under that which had been dead and buried.

And so it was when Yeshua came the first time. The very one that could save each from all that held us in bondage was the very one rejected. Only after His resurrection did the understanding come, to fully realize He was Who He said He was. The Truth once rejected was the Truth resurrected.

How often have you and I been presented the truth of reality, the “way it is, because that is the way it is?” When we first hear what can save us, what will give us the answer to that which we have prayed for, we dismiss it. Only after the Holy Spirit continues to open our closed eyes and our closed heart do we finally realize that, yes, that is what I need, this is what I have been looking for, this is what my spirit has been longing for, for so long.

That very thing we rejected, in the beginning, is the very one thing that will bring resurrection to the dead reality we had brought on ourselves.

The builders rejected the cornerstone. So had we.

We have been given the opportunity to hear the Lord speak to us in our daily walk, directing our steps, and moving us onward in resurrected power and anointing. We must take heed to not reject that which He sends our way, but to trust in His guidance and provision. The walk of faith is a daily movement away from rejecting His Word to us and receiving His resurrection power to carry it out.

The world is waiting for believers to demonstrate the living resurrection power that has been given to us. They too will reject it at first, but when the Holy Spirit opens their eyes to the eternal truth, they will join the saved ranks and likewise be witnesses of His resurrection too.

Let the rejection in your life become His resurrection in your life. Accept the truth He brings, for He alone has the power to raise you up and get you to where He is ultimately wanting to take you.

Now think on this.

Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew).

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) 

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Now Think On This #410 - in the year of our Lord 04.13.19 – “Rejection to Resurrection” – Saturday 4:50 am.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA