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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Palestinians Build Fake ‘Ancient’ Village; Horrific Fires Were Arson Terror! Was ‘Cheap, Rich’ Sanders Article Anti-Semitic? Worst El-Al Seats for Anti-Israel Musicians - United with Israel

United with IsraelTrial of Ari Fuld's Murderer Begins; Israel’s Chief Rabbi Consoles Emotional Poway Synagogue; Arab Terror Caused Massive Fires; Jews and the Democratic Party – One More Time! 
Palestinians Build Fake ‘Ancient’ Village with EU’s Help
It was Arson! Arab Terror Suspected in Massive Fires Over the Weekend
Terrorists Attempt to Set Fire to Jerusalem Neighborhood
Politico Accused of Anti-Semitism for ‘Cheap, Rich’ Sanders Article with Money Tree Image
WATCH: Israel’s Chief Rabbi Consoles Mourners at Site of Deadly California Synagogue Attack
El Al Gave ‘Worst Seats’ to Eurovision Rule-breakers from Iceland Who Displayed Palestinian Flag
Trial of Palestinian Terrorist Who Murdered Ari Fuld Finally Begins
WATCH: Will European Soccer Fans’ Rabid Anti-Semitism Spiral Out of Control?
Jews and the Democratic Party – One More Time
Trump Welcomes Help from Japan for Making New Deal with Iran
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA