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Saturday, May 11, 2019

"Signs Given from the 145th Kentucky Derby" - Johnny Enlow The Elijah List

"Signs Given from the 145th Kentucky Derby"

Johnny Enlow The Elijah List
May 8, 2019
From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Steve ShultzOver the many years of being in the prophetic, I've learned of the enormous variety of prophetic revelation that various people are gifted with. Whether they are called a prophet or are just simply prophetically gifted, it has been fun to learn how God speaks through these amazing and fascinating voices.
One of my favorites was Bob Jones, who before his passing, OFTEN gave words of revelation from famous sports events such as the World Series, the basketball championship, etc.
Emerging in later years, Johnny Enlow stands out as one who is able to read the SIGNS in the earth (and in sporting events) to convey messages intentionally sent from Heaven by these events.
On the one hand, each sport or competition is just men and women doing their best to win. Yet beyond that, God is working in and through and by these people to tell a story, or paint a picture, or prophesy from Heaven what God is saying and doing in the earth today.
So with that, I'll let Johnny Enlow speak here as he "unpacks" revelation FROM HEAVEN as it relates to the famous Kentucky Derby Horse Race! It's quite amazing what God is showing him.
I'd get yourself a cup of coffee and read slowly through all the signs and symbols the Lord uses here. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Steve Shultz
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A unique and unforgettable race was just ran last Saturday and the controversies abound as Maximum Security was disqualified, and 65-1 odds Country House was declared the winner. The race conditions for the second year in a row were quite bad – with a huge field of horses, it made for a very muddy race.
For this article, I want to take note of the key numbers and names that stand out to me as being a part of the message. Maximum Security, Omaha Beach, Country Horse and Code of Honor will be referred to, as well as the numbers 7, 20, 65, and 145. I will also close with a paragraph on the Virginia Cavaliers winning the NCAA men's basketball championship recently, as I have not commented on that and there is a significant, connective message there too.
A Psalm 145 Time
"A season of improbable wins is before us."
A Psalm 145 time in itself would be worth doing an entire article about. In the midst of sloppy, muddy conditions we are actually in an amazing Kingdom season. I will just quote a few lines from this Psalm, but really we if take this Psalm intravenously at this time, we will live in personal revival.
Psalm 145:3 says, "Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom." Verses 4–7 are so awesome as they speak of how "one generation will commend your works to another, they will tell of your mighty acts..." These Scriptures continue with, "They will celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your JUSTICE" (emphasis mine). Verse 8 says, "The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love." Verse 13 continues, "Your Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, and Your dominion through all generations. The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made."
On and on it goes, with life-giving statements for such a time as now, with verse 20 stating, "The Lord watches all who love Him, but all the wicked He will destroy."
Maximum Security Disqualified
If you watch the race, it can be hard to see the horse that was clearly the fastest, not being declared winner of the race. However, as you watch the replays it is quite evident that this horse veered suddenly to the right, cutting off other horses and creating a very dangerous scenario that not only knocked out a few horses, but could have easily turned into tragedy. It was seemingly miraculous how there wasn't a chain reaction of spilled horses as their heels seemed to clip each other.
Maximum Security is primarily a prison term, and a quote I saw said, "A prison that does as much as possible to keep prisoners from escaping and as part, watches them very closely."
Maximum Security came in as the undefeated horse and wore the coveted number seven. Prophetically, the two together did not represent a good thing, as it representatively speaks more of "deep state" control over society through its control of the 7 Mountains of Media: Arts, Family, Economy, Education, Government, and Religion. This "Maximum Security" tyranny of the 7 Mountains is being broken right now in a Psalm 145 moment of the Kingdom of God breaking in.
Omaha Beach Scratched
For those who don't know, it was actually a horse named Omaha Beach that was the favorite to win the Kentucky Derby, but the horse had to be scratched with a breathing disorder that required a surgery, which will now keep it out of the next two legs of the Triple Crown of horse racing. This, too, is significant. Omaha Beach has to do with D-Day and was a code name for the Normandy invasion of USA forces in World War II.
As I have been saying, behind the curtain of everything right now, we are at war in this country. However, this is not what marks this time as most important, and this is also more of a American Revolutionary War dynamic at play, rather than a World War II dynamic. The battle is between freedom and tyranny, and freedom is going to win. (Photo via Unsplash)
Country House Wins
Country House – what an unglamorous name for a Kentucky Derby winner, but there is a lot to this name. In my last prophetic post from just a couple of days before the race, I spoke about how May and June were going to be about "improbable wins," "agendas exposed," and "mysteries revealed." This will all be tied into a 1 Corinthians 1:26-29 reality of God choosing the weak, small, and foolish things of the world to confound the wise. In this race we see the "mighty" horses did not win, but the 65-1 odds horse (which would have been even much higher if Omaha Beach had stayed in) was declared the winner.
I looked up the word "country" and the definition came out as "possessing a style of rustic simplicity." This goes with this theme of the unimpressive defeating the mighty. Then, as I looked up the definition for "house," I found that it means "where a family lives." We are back to the family focus I have also been speaking of, and I will get to that again in a moment. Also, this horse's name goes macro and micro on us with "Country" speaking to the macro and "House" to the micro. It is time for both to win!
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
I think Country House will also end up having an application to the "House" of our "Country," and that is Congress. It is presently on a muddy, messy track, being pushed around and dominated by "Maximum Security," but the race judges are about to make a ruling to disqualify the tyranny of the bullying horse. (Once again, this is a symbolic message, and not one where we despise or hate the actual horse.)
65-1 Odds and the Number 20
Country House had 65-1 odds against winning and wore the number twenty. I believe that both of these numbers have to do with Psalm passages. Psalm 65 and Psalm 20 are also each worth a whole article, as they are particularly poignant and relevant for right now.
"The battle is between freedom and tyranny, and freedom is going to win."
Psalm 65 is incredible and powerful for right now. In verses 4-5 (emphasis mine) it says, "...We are filled with the good things of Your HOUSE...You answer us with awesome DEEDS OF JUSTICE..." This theme of JUSTICE continues to repeat itself. Verse 5 also calls Him "The Hope of all the ends of the earth..."Verses 6-7 (emphasis mine) continue, "...who formed the MOUNTAINS by Your power...who stilled the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, and the turmoil of nations." It then closes with 5 verses on the many ways He is prospering us.
Psalms 20 is also so very powerful and worth digesting. It begins in verse 1with, "May the Lord answer you when you are in distress..." Verses 4-6 say, "May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed....May the Lord grant all your requests....Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed; He answers him from His holy Heaven with the saving power of His right hand." (Wow, just too good!) Then, appropriately enough, in verses 7-8 (emphasis mine) it says, "Some trust in chariots and HORSES, but we trust in the name of Lord our God....They are brought to their knees and fall, but we RISE UP and stand firm."
The Judges Decide
Ultimately, it was the stewards, or race officials, who determined both who won as well as how far down Maximum Security was demoted. It took 22 minutes for them to look at the video replays, to study the applicable rules and to make a decision. Ultimately they brought JUSTICE. This is a phenomenon taking place in almost all sports right now, with instant replay being used more and more as the determinant proof. Before, you only had to deceive a referee momentarily, but now any controversial play can be officially reviewed and a decision made as to what is just, based on the incontrovertible evidence of slow-motion, instant replay.
In soccer, it is revolutionizing the game. Faking out the referees was once a key part of the game, but now everything goes to the VAR (video assisted replay). A player can now get kicked off the field for something the referee didn't see. It is being used more and more in football, basketball and baseball, as well. It is a higher level of accountability. It only negatively affects those who had been abusing the old system. Justice is good for those in the right. We are going to sing for His incoming JUSTICE.
Virginia Cavalier/Code of Honor Connection
The Virginia men's basketball team defeated the Texas Tech Red Raiders in the national championship game, thus vindicating themselves from the embarrassment of the first round loss of the previous year. The Cavaliers have orange as a primary color on their uniforms. This is the same color that the Clemson Tigers championed with when they won the national football title over Alabama. At the time, I shared the connection between the color orange and the mountain of family, and so that emphasis is staying with us this year.
Cavaliers vs Red Raiders
The word "cavalier" is defined as "a gentleman trained in arms and horsemanship" and "a mounted soldier." It specifically combines horsemanship and being a gentleman. As we note the connection to this year's Kentucky Derby, we see that a horse and his rider were disqualified for not adhering to being properly "cavalier."
The word "raider" is defined as "one who enters a place illegally, and usually violently." So in the basketball championship we see this Cavalier vs. Raider contrast and grace being on the Cavalier. A horse named Code of Honor came in second to Country House in the Kentucky Derby, and I see this as seconding the emphasis, at this time, of doing things cavalierly, honorably, and fairly, and the reward for doing so.
The RED raiders have to do with the mountain of media (my color chart has red being associated with mountain of media (you can read more about this in my book The Seven Mountain Mantle), as we have been raided with fake and false news, and that is being dealt with as well. (Photo via Pexels)
Finally, it was Kyle Guy who was MVP of the Cavaliers after his pressure-packed shooting (three free throws with 0.6 seconds in the semifinal). His story is that he has been fighting with fear and anxiety all year, needing a sport's psychologist and anti-anxiety medication just to get through the year. Yet in his weakness, when the key moment came, he was able to showcase unbelievable poise. Kyle was another great example of "the weak, small and foolish things" being used to defeat the mighty.
Final Word
Psalms 145, 65, and 20 are just full of life for us at this time. Take advantage to read them in their totality. A season of improbable wins is before us. God is marching sovereignly in our nation and superimposing His agenda over that and those which seem too strong for us. He is going to help us win in our house and help us win at a country level. In the midst of a muddy track, He is coming through as our Champion and our Promise Keeper. Remain in faith, remain in hope, remain in love; stay in honor in what is just, and in trust. It is a time for winning! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Johnny Enlow
Johnny and Elizabeth

Email: Contact@JohnnyandElizabeth.comWebsite:
Johnny Enlow is a social reformer, international speaker, spiritual mentor, and author of The Seven Mountain Prophecy, The Seven Mountain Mantle, and Rainbow God. He and his wife Elizabeth are focused on awakening individuals to their call to provide practical solutions from the heart of God for every problem in society – until the real God of all of life is displayed in the seven primary areas of culture in all nations: Media, Arts and Entertainment, Government, Family, Religion, Economy, and Education.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA