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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

"Why I Go So Much To Israel" - Love For His People Now Think On This newsletter - by Steve Martin

May 28, 2019

Greetings friends of Love For His People.

Would you have thought, 3 or even 4 years ago, that the USA would experience the same anti-semitism that is growing so rapidly as in Europe? I would not have. It is appalling.

When I came back from my 20th trip to Israel in early May, 2019, I was asked by another as to why I went so much to that one country. What is the big deal? And so I wrote the following Now Think On This. When I have opportunity to share the reasons why, I jump at it.

On Tuesday, June 4, 2019, I will also be sharing this word with the younger generation at The Movement Centre in Fort Mill, SC. Pastored by Lathan Wood, who incidentally is making his 1st trip to Israel in September with me, and two other men, wants to pass on this truth concerning Israel. (By the way, I am believing the "Men's Ahava Adventures to Israel" each fall will become an annual anticipated opportunity for other men - of both generations. Email me if interested.)

While there those 8 days, I took over 50 short, 2-3 minute video walks of the Land and people to share with you. I really enjoyed taking them as I walked all over. Check out the new Israel short recordings on our YouTube channel: Walk With Me - Israel May 2019.

Summer is here. Enjoy your graduations, vacations, reunions, weddings and all else we love to share with others! Most of all, draw close to Yeshua (Jesus), for He wants to draw close to you.

As always, be blessed in your blessing others.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People ministry

P.S. My latest book, published this week, is only $9.95 paperback, and also available in Kindle version. Buy it now: What Say You? book.
Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“Then I will reverse your exile. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have driven you,’ says Adonai, ‘and bring you back to the place from which I exiled you.’ (Jeremiah 29:14, Complete Jewish Bible)

“So why do you go to Israel so often?” I was asked recently, after returning from my most recent time to that nation traveled many times to over the past decades. That was followed with the statement, “Your sister asked me”, from an immediate family member. I am sure they were wondering the same.

I am quite positive others have thought that too. “Well, he’s just a bit …..?” I must admit that that has been spoken by more than one too.

Why not spend the money on a dream vacation to Hawaii, or a week-long cruise to the Bahamas; or a rented car tour throughout France or other parts of Europe? Hey, why not even a night out at Wrigley Field, which some still hold dear to their hearts. That would only cost a mere $200 or so, depending on seats, food, parking, and more.

Simple answer: the Lord has given me that privilege, honor, and life’s purpose, and I know it clearly. Even before I was prophesied as being called as a “scepter for Zion”, when I was ordained in 2003 in the little town of Pineville (kind of like Bethlehem is to Jerusalem in size and distance, but in this case, Charlotte, North Carolina where we have lived the past 25 years, since 1994) it had been firmly planted in my heart.

“Privilege?” you write? “Called?” you ask? “Honor?” you say? What is a scepter for Zion anyway?

Let me tell you. (Read the rest: Why I Go To Israel So Much)
by Steve Martin

What say you about where you stand in God's plan?

Are you fitting in? Do you care? Are you where you think you are, or where you think you should be?

These messages have been written to bring you encouragement, some further insight, and to help you get to where you, and He, wants you to be in the Body of Christ.

The Lord is putting His people together - both in Israel with the Jews making aliyah and with believers around the world finding out their place and purpose in congregations.

What Say You? offers inspiration on how we can then live and move in this life, to cause godly effect and actually, cause something positive to happen or bring about in our lives, our families, our cities, our workplaces, and our country.

May you be about His business, as He directs you in your going.

Paperback or Kindle. Amazon Paperback $9.95 Kindle $2.99
Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134 USA

Love For His People
Love For His People, Inc | P.O. Box 414Pineville, NC 28134

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA