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Thursday, June 6, 2019

You Are Next! Never Miss Your Moment! (Day 1) Pastor Jim and Lori welcome special guest Samuel Rodriguez on The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: You Are Next! Never Miss Your Moment! (Day 1) Pastor Jim and Lori welcome special guest Samuel Rodriguez on The Jim Bakker Show

Jim Bakker Show 2018 | Show# 3707 | Aired on June 5th 2019
A Morningside Studios Production


When you depend on others for your joy and your peace for your salvation for your happiness, you will be living in perpetual paralysis. Depend on God alone. –Samuel Rodriguez
Your now is not your next, but what you do now will determine what you will experience next. Order precedes overflow and you have to manage it now before you master it next. –Samuel Rodriguez


John 5:6-11 MEV When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had been in that condition now a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be healed?” The sick man answered Him, “Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred. But while I am coming, another steps down before me.” Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” Immediately the man was healed, took up his bed, and walked. That day was the Sabbath. The Jews therefore said to him who was cured, “It is the Sabbath day. It is not lawful for you to carry your bed.” He answered them, “He who healed me said to me, ‘Take up your bed and walk.’ ”
Psalm 62:5 GNT Yet my soul, keep thou silence unto God: for mine hope is in him.
2 Corinthians 5:7 MEV For we walk by faith, not by sight.
Galatians 5:16 MEV I say then, walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
John 5:15 MEV The man departed and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had healed him.


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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA