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Thursday, July 11, 2019

"Feeling Uncomfortable? It's Time to Go up a Size!" Lauren Tharp, THE ELIJAH LIST

Lauren & Jeff Tharp

July 10, 2019

"Feeling Uncomfortable? It's Time to Go up a Size!"
Lauren Tharp, Salem, OR

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve Shultz
I love, love, LOVE this new generation coming up.

And frankly, I'm weary and sick and tired of them being "dissed" for being millennials or close to millennials.

Here is an amazing but more importantly a "HELPFUL" word by Lauren, one of our editors right here at THE ELIJAH LIST.

Please do NOT make the mistake of saying or thinking she is too young to "get it" as it relates to walking with the Lord.

Lauren GETS IT and I want YOU to GET IT TOO!

I would just say, "listen and learn" with this word. It's SPOT ON!

Enjoy! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"Feeling Uncomfortable? It's Time to Go up a Size!"
Lauren Tharp, Salem, OR

If the Shoe Doesn't Fit...
I've been sensing for a while now that God is swiftly expanding and widening His reach through the Church; the old season we have been in is like an old pair of shoes that doesn't fit anymore and it's time to go up a size!

I believe this word is for many in the Church right now...for the ones who have been feeling a pressure or even a discomfort with their jobs, ministries or relationships. The ones who feel overwhelmed but they don't know why, or maybe they do! The ones who feel an intensity or frustration with many changes in their lives OR from not seeing enough change. God wants to help clear the cob webs and give you hope! We are in a new area and an unfamiliar season, but our Father is our faithful navigator, our north star.

God's Dream Language is Our Treasure Hunt

Over the last year I've been learning to pay attention and write down the messages God gives through my dreams, taking the time to seek out the hidden gems He wants to reveal. What at first was months of frustration, as each new dream lead to more questions and no answers, soon turned to great breakthrough! In recording my dreams, pursuing God for answers, He has been showing Himself faithful to reveal some pretty cool revelations.

The more I record my dreams and hand them to God, the more I start to recall my dreams. It's like turning up the volume so you can hear the music that you once thought was only silence! If you haven't done this before, I encourage you to try it out sometime. I'm telling you, God is faithful. He WANTS to speak to you while you're awake AND while you're asleep.

I've also come to realize that when God repeats dreams in a series, once, twice, or even three times, He's really trying to get our attention! Over the past few months, I've experienced multiple dreams all with the same theme; each includes me either being given or issued a new set of clothes or shoes, as well as a new stage or environment to perform in. I want to share with you one of the latest of these dreams as I believe God has a word of affection and encouragement for both me and you.

A New Garment and a New Stage

"And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints." (Revelation 19:7-8)

In my dream, I found myself on a theater stage yet again, before a large audience, performing and creating new things that I wasn't used to or comfortable with. Before I went up for my performance I had been issued new costumes (or garments) to put on. I was handed a small size and a larger size. First I tried on the small size, which I assumed would fit as it was my normal go to, but to my surprise, it didn't. I realized I would have to put on the larger one in order to be ready for the stage. The dream literally ended with me thinking to myself, "I guess I'll have to go up a size!"

When waking from my dream I had an overwhelming sense that the Lord was using this dream to parallel with the new place He has me in, and not just me, but many in the Body of Christ. When I was on the stage performing and creating new dances, I remember feeling so unsure of myself, so uncomfortable because this was entirely new to me, but I was hand picked to star on the stage, despite my inexperience.

I knew I had to rely COMPLETELY on God for navigation because EVERYTHING was new. He had given me brand new and larger garments (larger mantel), a new stage (platform/influence) with a larger audience (the world). He gave me a fresh, creative dance (new creativity/ideas). And My old shirt size wouldn't fit anymore (the old way of doing things isn't working anymore).

As followers of Christ, God has hand picked us to be stars in His show! He wants to expand our audience; He is giving us a new mantel and a new stage and He will teach us how to perform on it with fresh creativity and excellence. We may still be wearing our old garments, our smaller garments, because that's what always used to fit us before—what we think should fit with ease but doesn't anymore. It worked for us then but now it doesn't. It's time to put on your new garment! It's time to dream BIGGER with Him.

Take hope in the midst of your pressure, your Father has not forgotten you. On the contrary, He's saying, "I'm here. Trust in Me. Rely on Me. Let Me prove Myself faithful. Let Me navigate these uncharted waters. Put on the new garment I made just for You and follow Me."

Finally, I want to leave you with this: Across America and the globe, we can see that God has and is exposing and dismantling high corruption in all the mountains of society. We see it in Hollywood, in the media, in the government, etc. I believe He's swiftly severing off deep-rooted darkness from the very peaks of the mountaintops, and just as swiftly making room for His Bride to rule in its place.

"For dominion belongs to the LORD and He rules over the nations." (Psalm 22:28)

God bless you and give you overwhelming joy and hope,

Lauren Tharp, Assistant Editor
Elijah List Publications


Lauren Tharp is the assistant editor of Elijah List Publications. She is an artist, illustrator of children's books and an appreciator of all things creative. Lauren also worked at Youth With A Mission Los Angeles, mentoring youth and leading short term mission trips to Mexico, Thailand, Myanmar (Burma), South Africa, Uganda and Sudan. The life verse God has given her is one of victory and hope: "For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith"(1 John 5:4). 

It is this promise that fuels Lauren's passion to help people walk in victory, knowing their full identity and authority in Christ, and to see the restoration of the orphan and the widow. She currently resides in Salem, Oregon with her amazing husband Jeff (AKA "Superman"), and her cat LuLu.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA