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Monday, August 5, 2019

Chuck Pierce: God’s Voice Will Set Your Boundaries

Chuck Pierce: God’s Voice Will Set Your Boundaries

Published on Jul 24, 2019
Chuck speaks about the dimensions of God’s voice and the power of His voice to set our boundaries. God speaks in many ways; as a Father, through His son Jesus, and through the Holy Spirit. Chuck shares the testimony of his own son’s freedom from addiction as God set new boundaries that kept him free from the addiction. ENJOY! Full message here: For more videos, subscribe to our YouTube Channel here: If this post is a blessing to you, be a blessing and Follow the King of Kings Worship Center Facebook Page. If you want to be a double blessing, "like", "share” and “comment.” If you need help with a personal problem email We'd like to agree with you in prayer and offer whatever assistance we can provide. Donate here: Partial Transcript see you're out in the world and God's putting you out there to deal with things in the world so his glory can come out through there now if you can't perceive his glory you can't impart his glory you can't recognize the movement of his glory in the earth realm and what a lot of people do that have gone through and I've had to deal with this a lot over the last three or four weeks with people when they've gone through crisis they think if I can just get my boundaries narrow enough I will never have crisis again. that's called legalism and sometimes you start off there you have to start off there. you have to start where you're moving very narrowly because you have gotten so stretched out and your senses have been so stretched out in the world you have to set course. I was able to get back for Shabbat. I've had two Shabbats with my family in the last three weeks which has been amazing. we were sitting at the table and we were all talking about addiction because our family is plagued with addiction. I broke out of that addiction. My whole family is broken out of that addiction but it has not been an easy path. you get my drift. the things they've had to go through to address that so that if didn't capture them. Isaac was saying when God met him and the Lord told him he would have to do his first fruits for a year and give everything he had to break out of alcoholism you're operating in something that has stimulated your senses in such a way that you think you can't live without it. Your senses get used to being stimulated you get used to operate in a way and all of a sudden you think your body cannot live without being touched some way by that. There was something in his makeup where that stimuli did something to him that was different from anybody else in our family. therefore he knew that if he would put that on the altar God would show him how to walk. That doesn't mean no one is ever supposed to drink a glass of wine it just means he was crazy in it. he got way out of boundaries with it and the only way he can walk in victory is God has to continue setting his boundaries. All order comes through the voice of the one who creates. That's why in Colossians in Philippians everything goes back to God. Lucifer must submit to God either by God or through those that represent God and with that you don't have to submit to him he is not to have dominion over you in any form or fashion now because the Creator spoke and brought order into an earth that the enemy had fallen into and brought chaos we have to learn that all order that we're walking in comes through him speaking and yet through the Word of God what one of the things the Lord in my life that's been a key is to learn the dimensions of God's voice it's not just God speaking now I have given you an example of when God came down as Jehovah Jireh and spoke I've given you an example of when God came down as Jehovah Rapha and spoke all through the Word of God one of the seasons when I was reading through the Word of God I underlined every time God spoke one of his names manifested.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA