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Monday, August 5, 2019

"Honest Answer" - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

“Honest Answer”

“But let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No.' For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.” Matthew 5:37, NKJV

Have you ever got this response to a question, need a real answer, but instead, you hear back, “Let me pray about it.” Almost non-committal. Because that is what it really is quite often.

You are looking for a commitment from another, and yet, as so often is the case with Christians these days, we have become so accustomed in giving a non-committal response to most requests, just to get the one asking to hopefully forget about asking us in the first place, and not bother asking again. In truth, it is because often we are hoping they will forget about asking us and find someone who will give an honest answer.

In far too many cases, it has become a flippant, quick answer, when the response is, “I will pray about it”, when all along we are hoping the one asking won’t follow up after enough time has gone by.

Somehow, I get the sense that when Jesus gave His answer of “let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and your ‘no’ be ‘no’”, He knew what was in the heart of man. In fact, He followed this statement with another, “For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.” Wow! If we must give something other than a yes or a no answer, it is from the evil one? Jesus said as much.

I like how THE MESSAGE version of the Bible verse reads, “Just say 'yes' and 'no.' When you manipulate words to get your own way, you go wrong.”

Simply put – if you can’t give an honest answer about something, just say so. “Yes, I can" or "No, I can’t.”

Here is another verse about responding in truth from the heart, written in the Complete Jewish Bible. “Giving an honest answer is like giving a kiss.” Proverbs 24:26

Most kisses are good, so I take this to mean that when you say what you really should say, that which is in your heart, then the person receiving the answer knows it, and is thankful for the truth given.

For myself, I am thankful for those who tell me, honestly, whether or not they can do something asked of them. If they truly are not sure of their schedule, commitment ability to complete the task asked of them, or simply don’t want to, I can appreciate that. Just tell me. But to say, “I’ll pray about it”, when you know you really won’t, then stop lying. Again, as Jesus said, “for whatever is more than these is from the evil one.”

We need to be more honest with each other. We need to stop making excuses as to why we won’t be committed or give something, time or goods, when it is in our ability to do so. And if we can’t, then simply say so. Agree?

If you really are sincere, and really will commit to pray before giving your answer, knowing that you do need to seek the Lord for His wisdom and guidance, then do so. But if you know already that you really won’t give an honest answer, just to somewhat brush the person off, then simply let them know.

Being the leader of a ministry, I get many requests from those who know of our work, asking for more provision for them and theirs. There are several times when I simply need to tell them, “No.” That answer doesn’t make it any easier to say, but it is the truth.

Our trust in each other, and for one another, will become more as it should be, as we give honest answers to one another. Practice how you would want to be answered. By giving the truth.

Now think on this and see what good things the Lord has in store for you and those around you.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

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Now Think On This #445 - in the year of our Lord 08.05.19 – “Honest Answer” – Monday, 7:25 pm

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA